Letter 10 Goes On

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"Oh God, where's my head? Of course! Write it down. It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Okay? I'll see you in like half an hour. And call me if you need anything."

I returned the phone to the guy and thanked him for the phone. I walked out and sat in this large square space in the middle of the mall. I peered into my bag and found my lunch box looking back at me. With a small smile, I pulled it out. I was feeling rather low, Pat. I had managed to lose a new phone and my wallet with my cards and identification. I didn't even have the means to deactivate my cards immediately. And it takes so long to get new identification cards made, especially the driver's licence. Sigh. But I can already hear what you're going to say. That they're all material things and it doesn't matter. Chin up and smile.

Also, my heart was racing. I felt really embarrassed to call Tanmay. I know it shouldn't matter so much but I had only just met him and I was already asking for favours. I felt...sheepish. Sigh, I need a hug, Pat!

I opened my lunch box and sat there in the middle of the mall and ate the chapati with bhindi, observing the shoppers walk by with huge, yellow H&M bags. I turned around and noticed the giant H&M store behind me with people milling all around it. The light of the day dimmed as it became darker. In the hustle bustle of it all, I felt a sense of calm arrive upon me.

Then I saw him make his way into the entrance of the mall. He was dressed casually in blue jeans and a black t-shirt, his hair a little windblown as though he had rolled the windows down. His eyes were scanning the crowds in search of something. He looked down at his phone and raised a hand to the back of his neck. He was trying to figure how to spot me and had no idea how to get in touch. He raised his gaze once more and his eyes found mine as I looked straight at him.

Sigh. Pat, he really, really has a camera-flash for a smile. It appeared so suddenly and so surely that I automatically felt like saying cheese and smiling right back. I'm telling you Pat, this crush is going to get me into trouble one day. But for now, I was having so much fun basking in the sunshine of his smile.

He made his way towards me and looked down at me as I sat swinging my legs with a lunch box on my lap. He looked at the box and said, "Well, it looks like I came in time."

I looked up and smiled to ask, "What do you mean?"

He pointed at the box and replied, amusement heavy in his voice, "Well, the bhindi isn't keeping you company anymore. It's my turn."

I laughed and shook my head. I shoved the box back in my bag and hopped to my feet. I took a step ahead and he fell into step with me. I caught a faint whiff of his cologne and smiled, unknowingly.

He looked at me and asked, "What?"

I am such a doofus. I shook my head and replied, "Nothing. You're really kind to come this far because I lost my...well way back."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Please. Don't worry about it. In fact, I was getting bored at home. It's my day off and I was getting restless at home with nothing to do. So if anything, this is a welcome change. You know? Stepping out and doing nothing for a bit. I haven't done that since I moved to this city."

As we made our way out of the mall, I asked hesitantly, "Um...when did you move here?"

He replied, "Uh let's see...a year back? Yeah, I think so."

I then asked, "Um, have you always lived at the guesthouse?"

He smiled and replied, "No. I crashed at a cousin's place for a little bit. Then I found this guesthouse. Since originally I had no idea how long I'd be here, I didn't look elsewhere. And it just...worked out I guess. I know I have a lifelong friend in Dada."

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