Letter 5

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Dear Pat,

I know I just wrote to you. It was literally an hour back. I actually wrote the contents of that letter on my phone. This one, I'm writing on actual paper because I'm back home. Well, home for the next three weeks.

Whenever that letter reaches you, you'll know that I wasn't happy. I was homesick. I still am but I feel so much better. I don't even know how to explain. You're probably wondering what changed in the last hour that swung my mood for the better. That's why I needed to write another letter today itself, Pat!

So, the story begins just when I was opening the main door. I heard music from the passageway itself. I was a little surprised but I walked in anyway. Had Dada been playing songs?

That's when I saw Tanmay dancing. He had the TV on to MTV Beats and was dancing to...'Tune Maari Entriyaan!' I think my eyes were so wide at this point that Tanmay actually began laughing while dancing.

He seemed very uninhibited, very sure of himself. I don't know how but he didn't even turn red at being caught dancing in front of the TV. I would have been so, so embarrassed, Pat! You know me. But he was...something else.

He lowered the volume a bit and asked, "You've never danced to the tunes of the TV?"

I laughed and shook my head. He raised an eyebrow and said, "Liar! We all do it."

I shook my head and said, "Nope. I've never done it."

He widened his eyes and said, "You're missing out, dude. What's the point of these channels if you don't dance!"

I shrugged and smiled. His attention went back to the TV. He then looked back at me in mischief and said, "This is the best part! You have to break your vrat and dance!"

With this, he raised the volume as much as he could and began imitating Ranveer Singh. I burst out laughing. The toll of the whole day that was sitting in the back of my neck in the form of a knot began to loosen. I set the bag down on the sofa and rushed forward and joined him. He whooped and laughed as I matched his steps.

He then asked, "What's the bet that the next song is Ainvayi, ainvayi?"

I swung my arms around and said, "I love that song! So, it's a win-win bet!"

Until tomorrow Pat!

All my love,


P.S. If you ever meet Tanmay, never let him know that I TV dance ALL. THE. TIME! Let that be our little secret. ;)

Author's Note: Hi guys! So, I know...I know it's been over a year since I updated this story. I know most of you probably think I wouldn't update it. To be honest, there were several moments in the past year where I felt the same way. It's not like I haven't written in the past year. I have. It's been a great journey so far and I feel happy about it. I also feel like this story deserves an ending. And after a conversation with @k21pt11 and @Kimayaa, I felt like it should be now. This chapter is dedicated to them. :) 

While in all honesty, I don't know where the story is headed right now, I know I will eventually and I hope you will be there for the ride. :)

In other news, how's it going? I hope you've read some great stuff over the past year! Recommendations are always welcome. :D I've been reading a lot of poetry this year. I read Gulzarsaab's poetry (oh dear God, his words are magic,) Lang Leav's poetry (so beautiful and heartbreaking,) and 97 Poems by Terribly Tiny Tales (I LOVE some of these poems.)

Talk to you guys soon!


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