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My name is Kc Lee Jennings...I am 19 years old...and I live a very dull and boring life...I had no friends...and not much of a life...I was poor, not very pretty at all...even though older people told me that I had a heart of gold...and so much love to give...I just wish for once that a young man around my age would tell me that...I've been wanting a boyfriend in my life ever since I was a freshman in high school...but you know that went over like a lead umbrella...I was now old enough for college...and I still have never even come close to a boyfriend...the only boys that liked me and reminded that I was pretty all the time...was my two older brothers Mark Anthony Jennings...and Tommy Etienne Jennings...Mark was a rebellious fun loving drummer in a band...and Tommy was a gothic tattoo artist and body piercer.

We lived in Manhattan, New York...our parents were hardly ever home...for our father was a pilot for a major airport...and our mom was the stewardess...that's how our parents met...and they told each other there was no sense in changing what wasn't broke...so while they were gone...I stayed with my brother's. Which was like staying by myself...except for the fact that my brothers bought me two enormous protective wolf hybrids that watched over me...I named them Loki and Xristos. Loki was gray with red tints in him...and Xristos was solid black with white eyes...while I was at my brother's house though at least I had their girlfriends to talk too...Mark's girlfriend was Abby...and Tommy's girlfriend was Karalea. They were both extremely nice to me...I didn't really know if it was because they liked me...or if Tommy warned them that if they were mean to me...he'd beat the shit out of them...Tommy was just that way with me...very protective. Mark was a little more laid back...and let me fight my own battles...unless I needed his help...then he'd gladly jump in and kick some ass.

But it wasn't until the next Friday...after I made dinner for my brothers...when I was sitting on the sofa with Xristos and Loki both on each side of me...watching tv...when a downtown commercial came on...a very gorgeous gypsy maiden appeared...and asked thru the television if you were lonely...and alone...without anyone to share your dreams with...then come down to see me...and with a little magic...I will make all your dreams come true...then it had a few other young girls that had already been to see her and showed the potential customer's their results...saying that they found total happiness...and all of them were average looking...but they all had ultimately handsome men at their side...and they absolutely adored them...after the commercial was over...I kept thinking about it and wondered what it would be like if I had a very handsome man that loved me that much...and adored me from head to toe...I looked at Xristos and asked him what he thought...he just licked my nose and nuzzled me...I wrapped my arms around his plush neck and told him I knew he loved me.

Then I turned off the television...and let the dogs out for their nightly potty break...and grabbed me a soda before bed...then when they both barked wanting back in...I slid the door open...then locked it after I shut it...and headed upstairs to my bedroom...where both dogs jumped in with me and we all three settled down and went to sleep...Mark was out with Abby for the night...and wouldn't be back until tomorrow sometime...Tommy was at a party, but not partying...he was working tattooing drunken yahoos that wanted to be tattooed while being plastered...which was always great money for him...and his girlfriend was his assistant...but just as I was getting ready to turn off the light and go to sleep...Tommy called me and said that they wouldn't be home until later...but to make sure the doors were locked...that he had an extra key...so I kissed him thru the phone and told him goodnight. I turned on my radio, and after an hour or so of thinking about boys...I finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and made breakfast for everyone because I knew that they would all be up starving after being out all night...and I was right...for as soon as I set the table and placed all the food on the table toward the center...Mark and Tommy both were sitting in their chairs waiting for the grub...then after I poured the juice in the glasses...Tommy hollered at Abby and Karalea, and told them to get down here if they wanted to eat...and that they had clean-up duty...beens I cooked. They came down and sat in their chairs...and as they were eating...I was in the kitchen giving a plate of food to Xristos and Loki...after I had all of them taken care of...I went and sat down beside Tommy and ate mine.

Tommy got up with his empty plate and kissed my forehead and rubbed the top of my head and said that it was very good squirt...then took his dish to the sink. Mark gave me a kiss and took his to the sink then headed out to be with his band buddies for they were working on new songs for their show...and Abby went with him...Abby was always going with him. Tommy came back in and I asked him if he was going to be going off again today...Tommy gave a sigh and said yes...but then he asked me if I wanted to tag along...and he would teach me how to tattoo...I told him thanks but I had a thing about needles and blood...Tommy chuckled, and rubbed my head again...and gave me a few bucks and told me to go have a little fun...but then he walked back in the door and told me to take the dogs with me...for protection...and company...I told him I never left the house without them...and as usual I was left in the house with dirty dishes...but Karalea and Abby always did that to me, but I didn't mind...so after I cleaned the kitchen and grabbed my key...and placed it on my necklace...and grabbed Xristos and Loki's leashes...and snapped them up...and headed out the door...to see what I could get myself into.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now