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The four days went by very slowly...like time just decided to stand still...while I was a nervous wreck...full of unchallengeable excitement...for what was going to happen...when I finally make it to Las Vegas! My brothers just didn't get it...why I was so excited...but there was no way I could tell them...that I was finally going to have someone in my life that would love me...they would just tell me that it was a bunch of bullshit...and that I wasted my money...but I had to think positively...that this time it wasn't a scam...and I would have someone to love...and be loved undeniably in return. 

I had my duffle bag already packed...and the shorts and Celldweller tank top I was going to wear...now all I had to do way wait until it was time to get to the airport...as I was sitting in my room...with Loki and Xristos...it dawned on me...what was I going to do about them!! I ran out of the room with them hot on my heels...and ran into Tommy's room, and asked him what we were going to do about my dogs...Tommy grinned at me...and showed me two tags on his dresser...I looked at them...and they were travel tags from the airport...along with single tranquilizer pills...one for each dog...then he told me that he wasn't going to forget about the pooches...they were coming too. I gave him a quick hug and thanked him...then ran back into my room to get their doggie brush...and their treats...along with their harnesses...and matching leashes.

Mark burst in thru the front doors...and hollered up at Abby who was in Tommy's room talking with Karalea...and told them that their tickets were in...and that we all would be leaving for the airport in the morning...and to make sure that everything was packed and in the car by tonight...except or us and the dogs...then he reminded me to make sure I gave them their tranquilizers for the plane ride...Tommy hollered from the kitchen and said the food was on...all of three of us girls filed down the stairs carrying our bags for Mark to load in the car...I looked at the dinner table and saw Mexican takeout...I looked at Tommy as he tossed the empty containers in the trash...and I told him that he so cheated...and that wasn't going to get him off the hook from cooking...because ordering takeout didn't count...he put his finger on his lips and told me not to say that out loud...because everyone knew that he was a terrible cook.

I didn't say anything, but I did have a very cheesy grin on my face...as everyone else came to the table...I couldn't believe Mark actually thought Tommy made the Mexican food on his own...beens tomorrow morning was going to come very early...after I cleaned up the kitchen...I just went upstairs to my room and tried to stay calm and relaxed...even though my insides felt like dancing and screaming...I pulled the bottle out from under my pillow...and just kept staring into it...Loki and Xristos jumped in bed with me...and I watched a few shows...before going to bed around 10:00...because tomorrow morning was going to be extremely hectic...and very long.

But the more I tried to sleep...the more Mark and Abby kept me up...for they were having some kind of argument...so I turned on my radio...and put my earbuds in so I wouldn't have to listen to it...after what seemed to be only a few moments of R.E.M. sleep...my eyes popped wide open and when I looked out the window...the sun was already up...I looked at the clock...and decided it was time for me to get up...because in a couple hours Mark would be up hollering at everyone telling us that it was time to head for the airport...and to tranquilize the dogs...beens it takes 30 minutes for the pills to take effect...I gave it to them when I went downstairs and let them out for their morning run and potty break...Tommy was already up and outside taking a couple drags on a cigarette...that he wasn't supposed to be smoking.

I grabbed it from him before he could take another puff in and then I stepped on it...and told him that he promised me he was quitting...he gave me an insecure smile and said he was really trying...but every now and then he needed just one drag...I kissed him on the forehead, and told him he was a lot tougher than that puny little piece of rolled up paper...and crushed up dry leaves...and if anyone could overpower it...he could. Tommy stood up and gave a stretch...and told me that as usual, I was right...that he was just making excuses...then he went out to the car and started it up...letting everyone know...that it was time to head out for the airport. Loki and Xristos had their tranq pills...and by the time we pulled up in the parking lot of the airport...Tommy and Mark had to carry them and put them in their pet carriers...because they were too drowsy to walk...and after just 15 minutes of waiting our plane number was called and we headed toward our loading ramp.

All I carried in my little carry bag was my music player, some lifesaver candy, and a deck of cards to play solitaire...and a certain little bottle of magic...that I had delicately wrapped in bubble paper so it wouldn't break while traveling...then while Abby and Karalea were taking advantage of the traveling by sleeping some more...Mark was watching a movie from his phone...Tommy was half awake and half asleep while looking out the window...I was listening to KoRn while playing solitaire...and thinking about my little bottle and that very soon I was going to finally belong to someone...I just couldn't wait to get there...plus I wanted to see Siegfried & Roy's magic show...and go to their Secret Garden and Dolphin resort at the Mirage...even though said we were staying at the Palazzo Hotel/Casino...wnich to me wasn't even a well-known hotel or casino...now The Luxor, The Bellagio, MGM Grand, The Venetian, Mandalay Bay...to me those were well-known Casino/Hotels...but it was Mark's choice beens he paid for most of it...I was just there for the ride...and for something a little more personal...and exciting for me.

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