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{Criss's p.o.v.}

It was just like any other evening doing my performance like I did three times a day...every day...but for some reason, my subconscious mind was telling me something was going to change this time...and it was literally driving me insane...I kept looking around making sure that all the props were ready and that everything was secure...I did my routine and amazed people once again with my talents...I looked out to the crowds and I saw many of the same faces I was used to seeing...but I also saw fresh new faces that showed the same love and admiration for me...and my regulars...maybe even more than my usual viewers...

It was now toward the middle of my show, and I was doing the coin performance while listening to my old buddy Klayton Scott's song 'Blackstar'...for the next performance was going to be the entrance of Xristos my alter-ego and he was going to run amok...and cause all sorts of mayhem. Which I knew some of my regulars secretly hated, when I was Xristos because of all the fake blood I spewed out on everyone...but what the hell...I needed to have fun too...but tonight I had new victims...right in front of me...and as soon as I noticed my man Sully was in the crowd next to them...I knew I was going to have them as my victims...

So I went back behind the stage with my 2-minute window as my people put up the last props for the show...and I quickly painted my face all up and put the razor blades in my pocket...and raced back out to the stage...and began the last part of my show...I did a few of my old pieces from Supernatural when I first started out...then I went and knelt down right at the edge of the stage and placed 6 razors in my mouth this time instead of 3...and as I put the string in my mouth I secretly added the blood capsules to finish my effect...I quickly tied the razors to the string with my mouth and tongue...then, as usual, I began to pull them out...one at a time...but when I got to pulling out the final razor blade...I pulled it out edgeways instead of flat...and made the effect that I cut my mouth all up...and the blood...started spewing out...that was my cue to jump off the stage and spew it out at random guests...along with tossing foam balls at them.

I made my rounds and made many of them cringe, and scream at me...but at that point, I didn't care...for I was in full out Xristos mode...and quite nuts...I was running back toward the front, when I noticed the victims I totally meant to hit harder...the group that was around Sully...I grabbed many foam balls and tossed them wildly at the ladies in the front...then I stuck my bloody tongue out at Sully and tossed a few of them right at him...and grabbed him...he laughed at me and told me to clean myself up because I looked like shit...then he pushed me off of him...said he didn't want all that blood staining up his clothes...so instead I spewed it all over his face...he wiped most of it off while calling me a crazy bastard...until I saw one of the girls beside him...holding a tiny bottle up to her lips...just getting ready to drink it...

I ran up to her...and grabbed her and lifted her up on the stage with me...first I acted like a vampire and bit into her neck...as some of the remaining blood from the capsule trailed down her neck...then I playfully grabbed the bottle from her hand...and without reading the bottle, or smelling it first...I drank it then handed her the bottle back...she looked at me in shock...then with my makeup on and all I laid a huge mouth to mouth kiss on her...then raced off into the back room...feeling just a little strange...but I thought it was just because I was tired...at that moment I had no idea...that taking that drink would change my life forever...but the effects were working on me right now.

I fought it off, but for some reason, I kept seeing that girls face...and really wanting to kiss her again...and just be with her every minute...I turned it off in my mind...as I got cleaned up...but it would always come back as soon as I relaxed my brain...I'd never felt anything that strong in my life...it was beginning to come uncontrollable...I thought maybe IT finally happened!! I went and lost my fucking mind...

(Kc's p.o.v.)

15 minutes went by and I was still standing on the stage staring at my empty bottle...I couldn't believe it...my only chance at happiness...and finding everlasting love was drunk down by a crazy dude in black leather and face paint...that had the looks, money, and ability to have anyone he wanted...I ran passed my friends and rushed into the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls and cried for a while...then I looked at my bottle again and noticed the gypsy's business number on the back...I pulled out my cell phone...and dialed it...after the fourth ring she answered...and I asked her if she remembered me first, then when I told her what I purchased from her and my story...she said of course she did.

I told her what happened...and told her that my chance was over...she was silent for a moment...then she asked me who the last person he was in contact with when he drank the potion...I hesitated for a moment and told her that I was...because after he drank it...he handed me the bottle back...and kissed me...then he ran off the stage and disappeared...they gypsy laughed thru the phone and told me that all would be fine...and that I would still have a love of my life...even though I didn't get to choose...that this so called magic man made my choice for me...I sat their in shock after hearing her say that...and asked her if she meant the potion was going to make him fall in love with me!...she giggled thru the phone again and said I had that right sweet heart...then she hung up the phone...and left me in a state of shock in the bathroom.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now