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After my friends left, I calmed down...and headed toward the kitchen slowly...but Criss reluctantly followed behind me...and when I stopped he wrapped his arms around me from behind and just laid his head on my shoulder...and just held me close for a while...I reached out to the fridge and grabbed a soda...then asked him if he'd like one...but he was too busy gently kissing on my neck...then asked if he could spend the night with me...I turned around to face him...and told him he could stay as long as he promised to behave himself...he gave me a very tender smile, with a loving snicker...and, told me that my Crazy Crissy promises to be a good boy.

So I let him follow me to the bedroom, where I told Loki and Xristos to hop down...so I could make the bed...they both chased each other to the sofa and jumped up on it and laid down...I made the bed, then went into the bathroom...and got into my pjs...and when I came out Criss was already in the bed waiting for me...I looked around and noticed his clothes on the floor...and I told him he better not be naked under there...or I was so sleeping on the sofa...and he and my dogs could sleep in the bed...he pulled the covers back and showed me that he was wearing tight black Diesel spandex shorts. I turned off the big light and slid into bed...and it was like instant static cling...he was right next to me...and had his arms around me...and snuggling away...like we've been dating for a long time...and it was normal.

What was amazing to me, was the fact, that I became secure around him rather quickly...it was like everything he did...it was with so much honesty and innocence...that it didn't scare or intimidate me...and as the night went on...all he did was talk romantically to me, snuggle up with me...until we both eventually just fell asleep together...about half hour later...Loki and Xristos both came slinking into the bedroom...and hopped up onto the bed to join us...but instead of Criss or I getting irate with them...we simply laid our legs across their backs...while rubbing them with our feet. It was the first real night I ever had.

I quietly woke up the next morning...and noticed Criss was gone...but he left me a love note on the table...telling me that he hated to leave me...but he had to go to work...then with a huge heart with his initials in it...he wrote that he'd be by around noon to take me out for lunch...then as I worked my way out of the room and into the kitchen area there was another note...on the fridge...that said that he loved me...and hoped that I would be his girl...I thought it was so adorable that he even took the time to draw cute little hearts with arrows thru them on the paper...with xoxo's everywhere...I smiled to myself as I grabbed the milk from the fridge to have some cereal for breakfast...Loki and Xristos came in wanting their doggie chow...so as I was eating... I filled their bowls too...then added some milk to it...they loved it.

Once we were all done eating...I rubbed on both of them...and asked them what they thought of Criss...but all they did was lick my face and whine...letting me know that they wanted to go for their walk...so I grabbed their leashes...and headed for the door...only to be stopped by my girlfriends...Rachel grabbed Loki's leash and my right arm...Kim grabbed Xristos leash and my left arm...while Siera and Sandy were walking behind me...asking me all about last night...and they wanted details...even after I told them everything that happened they didn't believe me...but I gave them my word that nothing sexual happened...that Criss was being a complete a total romantic gentleman. But I did show them the two adorable notes he left for me...one on the nightstand by the bed...and another one taped to the fridge.

They all said that was so sweet, then added that they wished they had a man like that...Sandy piped up and said she had a man like that...except he wasn't that much of a gentleman...he demanded the sex thing...but then she added playfully that so did she...after letting the dogs run free for a while and take care of their business...we walked to the nearest Starbucks and ordered cappuccino's...then my phone interrupted me as I was about to say something...and I check it out...and Criss was sending me selfie's...with him making all kinds of silly faces...and telling me how much he missed me and that he couldn't wait to see me in an hour for lunch...I looked at my clock and realized that in an hour it was lunch time...and I wasn't ready for the date...and it was a long walk back to the hotel.

Sandy snickered and said no problem...she called Sully, and he showed up in his truck...I told Loki and Xristos to load up...they leaped in the back of the truck with the tailgate still up...then we all hopped in the cab with Sandy sitting on Sully's lap while he drove us all back to the hotel...I gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him thanks...then I gave a whistle and both dogs leaped out and followed me into the Pilazzo...carrying their own leashes in their mouths...they followed me to the elevator then I removed their leashes and opened my door...and let them in...I quickly took a shower...then searched thru all my clothes but had no idea what to wear...it was just a small lunch...so I put on a pair of jean shorts and just to amuse Criss, I put on his logo spaghetti strap tank top...along with a black pair of Mindfreak flip flops that I got from his store. I no sooner than got my hair pulled back wearing a Criss Angel bandanna...to keep the hair out of my face...I heard a knock on the door...and a familiar voice asking me to let him in...I opened the door to Criss's irresistible smile along with a huge bouquet of red and white roses.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now