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We made it to Kc's hotel room...where Klayton thought he was going to meet his potential new girlfriend...but instead was bombarded by her two very large and overly excited poochies...Kc quickly called them off, after he got licked to death...and apologized...for their behavior...that they were just very happy to see people...they hated being cooped up alone...Klayton took an instant liking to Loki...and Loki took a liking with him as well...and for the remainder of the time Klayton stayed in the room with us...Loki followed him every move he made Loki was right beside him.

Rachel called Kc back and asked her all sorts of questions about Klayton, like what he looked like, and if he had a good sense of humor...and if Kc thought he might be too old for her...Kc snickered to her friend, and said if he was too old...he sure didn't act like it or look like it...then Kc told her that she thought he was very good looking...and as for his sense of humor...she'd have to come over, and see for herself...then before she hung up with Rachel...Kc told her that if she liked the bad boy type...that had tattoo's and piercings...and one very wicked red and black mohawk from hell. Rachel said she would be right over...then she hung up her phone...and ran out her hotel room door.

Klayton however, crashed on the sofa, with Loki before Rachel could get there...I was hanging on Kc...and asking her if she would like to join me for a very special evening I had planned for us both...she gently kissed me and said she would love to spend the evening with me...no matter what he had planned...as long as I was with her...it would be fun. Rachel used the extra key card Kc gave her so she could come in anytime she wanted to...and she headed right for Kc and asked her where he was at...Kc took her to the living area...and pointed to the sofa where he and Loki were snoozing...Rachel took one look at him...and told Kc that he was wicked hott!!...and she loved the piercing under his bottom lip...Kc went over to the couch and gently pulled on Klayton's piercing and asked him to wake up unless he wanted to meet Rachel some other time...Loki slid off the couch...and Klayton flew off the couch and said where...after he let what Kc was telling him sink in.

Rachel giggled at him...then he spun around to where he heard her giggling...and looked right at her...and asked her if she'd like to go see a movie or something with him...Klayton wasn't the type to be shy or beat around the bush...he told Rachel right out that he thought she was gorgeous...and that he really wanted to take her out. Rachel gave him a slight smile...and said she'd really like to go out with him...that his sense of humor was just what she was looking for...not to mention his extremely tough/sexiness. Klayton put his arm on my shoulder and told me that she thought he was tough looking and sexy...then he playfully grabbed her and spun her in a few circles...and headed out the door...with Loki barking and chasing right behind him...Klayton walked Loki back into the room...but as he shut the door leaving him...Loki began to whine...which turned into a very loud howl...Kc went out the door and told him to get back in the room...and take Loki with them...Klayton put on a very big grin and gladly accepted the leash. Loki happily followed him...wagging his tail 100 miles an hour.

I moved up to Kc, and asked her what she would like to do until it was dinner time...she looked at the bed and saw Xristos sound asleep with his feet up in the air...then she asked if I'd like to go to the movies and catch a scary show before having dinner...I gave her a huge hug...and told her that sounded perfect...because I loved scary movies...as we both headed out of the room...Kc stopped at Marks room and asked him to go to her room and bring Xristos in the room with him...so he doesn't get lonely...because Loki went with Rachel and her hot new date...for Loki got very attached to Klayton...almost instantly.

After Mark went and brought him to his and Abby's room...I grabbed Kc and raced her to the elevator...once we got out on the street...I acted like I was jumping on her back...while asking her for a ride...she smacked me and turned around and jumped in my arms and she told me to carry her...so like the loving boyfriend...I was going to be...I carried her like a baby...just having crazy and playful fun...clear up until we made it to the Majestyk Theater...we ended up watching a scary flick called "It Came From the Darkness"...it was about an ancient evil that dwelled in the shadows of the house...basically it was a haunted house with a lot of scary computer effects that I didn't find all that scary at all...it was a low-budget film...but the way it managed to put Kc into my lap...and in my arms...it was so worth watching it.

I wrapped my arms around her...and began to gently rub her arms, and moved my hands down her sides and down further to her waist...then I gently kissed her neck...until she turned and buried her head into my chest...I gave her a loving squeeze and told her that I would protect her from the evil spirits...after the show ended I grabbed our soda and our leftover popcorn...then we left the theater...holding hands while heading to where I was going to take her to the surprise location for our special dinner...but first she wanted to go to her place and put something more appropriate for a special dinner date...but instead I took her shopping and bought her a brand new black and red cocktail dress with matching shoes to wear...then I grabbed a cloth from the store's counter...and placed it around me...then as I pulled it away from me...I was wearing a white satin shirt and black dress pants...Kc looked at me and said that I looked very dashing...I thanked her...then took her hand...as we headed to the very romantic restaurant called, 'The Top Of The World'...where I took her to the top of the building where we were going to eat right by the ceiling to floor glass wall...so we could see all the bright Vegas lights...and night scenery.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now