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I kindly accepted his offer of the beautiful flowers, I smelt them as I thanked him for being so sweet...as pI gave him a kiss and welcomed him in...he stood their and watched me intently as I put the flowers in a vase and added some water...then dropped an aspirin tablet in them to make them last longer. He held out his hand to me and asked me if I was ready for lunch...I placed my hand in his...and asked him if I looked ok...he gave me a smile and a wink...and said that ok just wasn't good enough to explain how stunning I looked...then he kissed my hand and said he was honored to have me parading in his signature apparel.

We both headed out the door...and bumped right into Karalea and Abby...that was heading toward the elevator as well to join up with my two brothers down in the lobby...Abby stopped and froze solid...Karalea looked at me in astonishment...but asked me who my friend was...Criss stepped forward and shook their hands and said that he was Criss Angel...and that he was my boyfriend...I looked at him...and gave his hand a squeeze...but he ignored me...and said that he met me a few days ago and fell head over heels in love with me...Karalea grabbed my hand...and said that my two brothers downstairs would love to hear this...Criss grabbed me around my waist and playfully slapped Karalea's hand from me...and said he was escorting me down to the lobby thank you...which made Abby snicker a little bit...noticing how possessive he was of me already.

Criss was whispering in my ear...and giggling with me as we were going down in the elevator...Abby looked at him and asked him what was so silly...Criss looked over at them both and said he was trying to get me to play with him while in the elevator and she was being so mean to him...Karalea looked at him and asked him how old he was...which wasn't something that he liked...by the way she asked it...led him to believe that she was insinuating something...so he told her he was old enough to know better...but still have the ability to get into trouble and get away with it anyway...then he playfully stuck out his tongue at her and looked at me and said he didn't like her at all...but he said it in such a childish manner that we all knew he was being a shithead.

As the elevator stopped and we were all trying to get out at the same time...I pulled Criss back in the elevator with me...and told him to behave himself...that he was going to meet my two brothers...and my oldest brother was a little bit protective of me...Criss grabbed me and put me into a dip in the elevator and said so was he...then he playfully planted several kisses on my neck. Abby interrupted us both and asked if we were going to get out of the elevator or take another trip to the top floor then come back. Criss picked me up and carried me out of the elevator and said he wanted to go for another ride but it was time for our lunch date and he didn't want me and him to be late for it. Karalea was talking to Tommy on the phone asking them to join us by the elevators because I had a shocking surprise to show them both. Tommy gave a sigh thru the phone and said that they were on their way out anyway for they had a lunch date too and added that she and Abby take way too long to get freshened up just to go out in the boiling heat to eat lunch.

Mark and Tommy finally made it over to us all, Criss was on the phone standing behind me but facing the other direction when they asked me what the shock was that I had for them to see. I looked at both of my brother's and told them that I found a boyfriend and that I wanted them to meet him before he took me out for lunch. Tommy and Mark both were looking around me while asking me where he was. I turned around and saw that he was on the phone, so I waited until he put his phone away before I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, he instantly spun around and picked me up and kissed me as I pointed over to my brothers and told them that this was my new boyfriend Criss.

Criss playfully sat me down and walked right up to them both and held out his hand. Mark stood there with his mouth gaping wide open for he knew alot about Criss Angel and was shocked that some rich ass celebrity profile had the hots for his little sister. Tommy didn't know anything about him, all he knew was that this guy was a little old for his sister and he didn't like it, but I grabbed Tommy and pulled him away and begged him not to embarrass me that Criss really adored me and I really wanted to be with him. Tommy grumbled at me and said it wasn't good dating older guys like that but he saw the look on my face and told me he'd back off for now but if he ever did anything to hurt me that he would kick his rich, magical ass.

Tommy followed me back to where Criss was talking with Mark and Abby and held out his hand to him and said for know he would hold back his judgment but before we all went our separate ways for lunch. Tommy pulled Criss very close to him and told him if he did anything to hurt me he'd kill his ass. Criss moved in a little closer and told him that if he did anything to hurt me that he wouldn't have to kill him because he'd do it himself then he put his arms around me and walked right behind me wanting to be romantically silly with me and I had to admit, I loved the way he made me feel. Abby had her fingers entwined with Marks and told Tommy not to worry about me that she noticed the way Criss looked and reacted around me and said that he was very much in love with me.

Criss took me to a very beautiful dining cafe down toward the end of Freemont Street as we took our seats he said it wasn't the fanciest of places but the food was delicious and the view was amazing after the server took our order Criss placed both of his hands around mine and he just gazed lovingly into my eyes and I just couldn't believe that I was going to be spending the rest of my life with such an amazing and wonderful man then I wondered a little bit at how jealous and spiteful all of his other loyal fans would be knowing that he fell in love with a girl that was as lowly, and plain as me which also made me begin to doubt if what I did to him was right or not, but it dawned on me that I didn't really do it to him he grabbed my bottle and drank it I didn't offer it to him. So he, in reality, did it to himself.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now