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Go faster, idiot.

Don't slow down.

You can make it.


Normal day like always. Well, it wasn't a normal day; it was also different from always. Taehyung had the day off, so he decided to visit the town he always loved. This was the town he and... never mind. That's not really important.

The town was exactly how he remembered it. Happy people everywhere, nice weather, and the vague smell of smoke. He loved how things never changed here. Not to mention the way everyone manages to stay so happy; despite working from the minute they wake up to the minute they close their eyes. It was a work ethic he admired and took after.

As he walked down the streets, nostalgia hit him. He had spent many years here, and all of them meant something to him. As his thoughts wandered, he found himself wandering into a small coffee shop. He was happily greeted by the workers and immediately asked where she was. He avoided the question by quickly changing the subject.

Before he could order, they had already made his usual and brought it out to him. He walked to the back of the shop and sat in a small booth. It was dimly lit, but he loved sitting here. It has sentimental value to him. This whole shop did, in fact. Looking across the booth, he imagined her sitting there again. She was laughing, coffee in her hand, with creamer on her upper lip. Her faced then switched to that of anger when he began laughing. She stood and stormed out.

He didn't finish his drink, but instead threw it away and thanked everyone as he left. Walking back outside, he breathed a deep breath. He had high hopes that she wouldn't be out and about today. He just couldn't handle seeing her happy with another man. Not today, at least. Tae just wasn't prepared for the inevitable.

He continued to walk, the air getting more foggy. It had rained the day before, so it was probably just a little mist. Looking to his left, he noticed an ice rink. It was closed, considering it was only fall, but it still looked just as beautiful. Perhaps, though, it was just the image of her skating in his head that was the beautiful thing.

He walked over to the railing and watched as she slowly made her way around the rink. He smiled as she skated, remembering how amazing those times together was. Just as the thought crossed his head, she stumbled backwards and fell, hitting the ice so hard that it broke, and she was completely immersed. He quickly closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath, turning and walking away.

The farther he walked, the more he was reminded of her. He found himself in a park. Not just any park, though; this was the park where he asked her to be his. He saw both her and himself sitting on that bench.

"Yah, what do you say?"

She looked at him, a confused expression on her face. He could tell that she hadn't heard a single thing he said. He sighed and repeated himself.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

There was hidden happiness in her shy face.

"Yes, " she whispered.

Taehyung smiled to himself, a single tear running down his face. He admittedly missed her quite a bit, but he couldn't admit it to anyone but himself and his group mates. As he looks back up to the bench, horror strikes his face. She's crying, holding a gun to her head. The vision of himself disappears, and she stares straight at the real him. She sobs, then speaks.

"Why... why did you do this to me?? I lo-loved you! You betrayed me! We made promises and you- you BROKE them!! You broke my heart... WHY?! WHY ME?!"

Taehyung stood there, speechless. His single tear turned into multiple as the event unfolded. She cocked the gun, pulled the trigger, then disappeared. He fell to the ground, now sobbing quietly. He pulled himself up with the bench and dusted his pants off. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he decided that enough was enough.

He had to get her back; even if it meant beating that jerk of a boyfriend up. He stood for a moment, trying to remember where exactly she lived. After his memory served him well, he began to walk. The visions of her were everywhere now; it's like she was haunting him. It was the most gut-wrenching thing imaginable.

In all of these visions of her, she ended up dying. He was tormented by the monstrous sight created by his mind. Was this all a sign or was his brain playing with him? At this point, Taehyung sped up; he ran through the crowded streets as if it were the end of the world. Which, it very well may be the end of his world.

As he fought his way through the faces and visions, he hit something with a thud. He looked across from him to see a young man, probably around his mid to late twenties, staring straight back at him. As the man took notice of Taehyung, his eyes widened slightly; his mouth opened as if he wanted to speak, but no words came out.

Standing, the man outstretched his hand. Taehyung took it, and as he did, the visions of her disappeared all at once. The person in front of him finally spoke.

"You're Kim Taehyung, right?" he questioned.

Taehyung nodded, looking around to see if she had creeped back into his mind.

"This may be a lot to ask since you seem like you're in a hurry, but can I have an autograph?" the young man's smile seemed slightly devious.

Taehyung nodded as he was handed a piece of paper and a pen.

"Who should I make this out to?"

The man's mouth opened, and with a chilling voice, he replied, "Make it out to Jae-Joon."

Taehyung nodded, unaware of who exactly Jae was. Thus, he signed the paper and handed it back to Jae; he bowed and walked off, leaving Tae to continue on his way to her house. Though his pace slowed, his heart rate did not. Though the visions disappeared, the thought of her did not.

He was scared that something had happened to the love of his life before he could tell her what she meant to him. He was scared of so much; not to mention, scared for her. The more he thought of what might have happened, the more his walk turned into a jog, then into a run. Yet again, he was bolting through the crowd of people that separated him from her.

The fog grew thicker than it was before. At this point, though, he began to wonder what kind of fog it was. It was almost... choking him? Taehyung began to cough, moving his sleeve to his mouth. He stopped in dead in his tracks as he stared straight ahead of him.

The flame was diminishing as the firefighters sprayed it.

An ambulance was being loaded.

The body barely moved.

A female.


I know it's not something you guys want to hear, but I'm afraid this story may be coming to an end soon. :( Though, I may or may not be able to make a sequel. It all depends on what happens next. Trust me, this story is my baby. I don't want it to end, so I will do my best to keep it going. Please let me know what your thoughts on the story as a whole is by commenting and voting! Thank you all, I love you!

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