Chapter 1 Not Richard

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My name is Bruce Wayne 

I'm about to pick up my new son Richard Grayson.

I found out that the orphanage was full so they sent him to juvie while they looked for a place for him to stay.


I get there and they head back to grab him. He comes out in short shorts, a pink shirt smeared lip gloss and his hair in a ponytail. Huh?

"Hi, I'm Richelle. According to the workers your supposed to be my new Tati." I look at him shocked

"According to the paperwork your name is Richard, not Richelle." He scowls

"Richard is a boy's name. I am Richelle since I'm a girl" Oh.

"So you're transgender than Richelle?" She looks at me and nods

"I was told I am a boy but I am a girl so that means I'm transgender." I nod as they hand me her stuff.

"Okay Richelle lets got going" She smiles and follows me.

"You move funny" She looks up at me. Observant kid

"What do you mean Richelle?"

"You move like you fight a lot. Like you ready to fight right now" Wow. Not gonna be easy keeping my secret from hi-her. Not too many people notice that at all never mind in the first five seconds.


When we get back to the manor. I realize her room is decorated for a little boy.

"Hey Richelle your room isn't decorated yet since we were expecting a boy... We will fix it tomorrow"

"One more question"


"Do you mind that I'm a girl?"

"Of course not"

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