Chapter 10 Mistakes

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Let's go with D

Escape and meet up with Tati later.

I just need to decide which Tati I'm going to meet up with. 

As I wander the streets of Gotham in my Robin outfit I hear people muttering

 "What is that child doing on his own?"

"Why is he cross dressing?"

"Where are HIS parents"

I'm getting sick of being called his and head to this trans cafe I know about that I visit every year when my parents come without telling them. (Someone needs to make this a thing)

"Hello. My name is Reagan my pronouns are they/them. How shall I address you and would you like a table?" I grin I love this place.

"Hello. My name is Richelle and my pronouns are she/her. Yes I would like a table for one." She leads me back into the cafe decorated in the trans pride flag colors. White marble tables with baby blue and pink lemonade colored walls. There are pink, white and blue roses at every table. The menu said on the front "If the wait staff doesn't ask your pronouns your meal is free"

As I sit down the Waitix(Foot note 1) walks in. They are just adorable and if I was older I might ask them out "Hello my name is River I'll be you're Waitix for this evening my pronouns are Xi/Xim might I ask yours?"

Xi was wearing a beautiful purple, yellow, white and black uniform indicating xi was a non binary waitix. Xi's skin was a gorgeous golden brown with beautiful white chocolate hair and the whole thing held together by a purple hair tie.

"Hello I'm Richelle my pronouns are she/her... I'm a girl. Nice to meet you River"

"Well Richelle I look forward to serving such a beautiful young lady such as yourself" 

"Do you want a drink?"

"I'll have a coke with ice"

"Yes miss on the way"

Just then Deathstroke comes in and sits next to me.

"You were right to run away now we don't have to deal with that man anymore and we can go home... You ready my good girl?"

I look up at the waitix. "Its okay you haven't gotten anything yet I'll cancel your order and we can just move on. 

We leave seeing the Hostexe(Footnote 2) wave to us "Have a nice night"

I get on the back of Tati's motorcycle and we drive off to a place very different from what I thought it would be.

Oh Gods what have I done?


1.) Waitix Wait-ex. Gender neutral term for waiter/waitress. Origination Carter Neilson

2.) Hostexe Host-axe Gender neutral term for Host/Hostess. Origination Carter Neilson


Well I'm finally back to writing let's see if I can keep up steam this time. But I was so busy before that I couldn't possibly write but some free time has opened up and I'm back to writing. I'll see you guys either later today or tomorrow for another story depending how long it takes me to write another chapter.


Love you Guys Gals and Non Binary Pals

Life and Legacy of Richelle GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now