Chapter 5 Escape

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I've been in the mansion for two days.

Bruce has been pestering me for information on Wilson the whole time. 

I try to explain him to Bruce as the miracle he is.

But he only sees a creep.

I have been trying to sneak out since he put me on house arrest.

And he's been trying to explain to me why we don't kill.

"Killing is wrong"

"It makes the bad people go bye bye forever."

"When you kill a killer there are the same number of killers in the world"

"What if you kill two killers?"

This debate could continue for hours at a time. Neither of us ever won we were just both too stubborn. But the fact was he wasn't letting me leave until I admit that killing is wrong.

But killing isn't wrong so I can't. 

I won't admit to a lie.

So I'm trapped here till Wilson comes.

Bruce leaves as Batman for the night and I get to work.

I sneak out of the house to find Zucco and go back to the circus.

I go and check the wires. Maybe I can see what kind of stuff was used to make them break. I get up the and start to swing over grabbing them.

I see Batman coming in and swing out of sight. He looks up and sees me.

"Richelle come down here you're still grounded. I know you're here come out." I grab the wire and climb down.

"I have proof Zucco killed them look at the wires!!!" I hold up the wire on the end with corrosion on it

"The wires are rusted what do you expect me to say?" He comes over and looks at it. "Is that?"

"Acid corrosion" I say and walk over to him "Zucco put it on there. I saw him" He looks down at the wire and then to me.

"I guess you were right... Can you help me find him?" He picks me up and starts walking out. "The right way"

"I will help you take him out he'll be dead by morning!!!" He looks down at me.

"No we do it the right way" He takes me back to the batcave an a few hours later Alfred comes out with my costume.

Its a green shirt with a red vest over it with and an R stitched on it. There's a yellow cape along with it and green swimsuit bottom and shirt underneath. And my favorite part green shoes like the ones I used to wear during performances. I put on some green gloves to cover up my hands(No fingerprints to show its me.)

I put it on through my hair into a spiky pony tail with my bangs in my face again. I come out to show Batman.

"Now Richelle all you need is this mask" He hands it to me. Its the device I used before to spot the dirty cop.

"And a name" He looks over at me

"I'l be Robin. The Girl Wonder"


And Robin Revealed net chapter we'll see Robin in action so exciting.

Well See ya

Love You Guys Gals and Non Binary Pals

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