School Gets Tiresome

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I have been at school for a month now.

And other than the schools utter incompetence I have learned absolutely nothing. I stare up at my teacher as she passes around our french tests. "A 100 encore une fois Mme Grayson. Quelqu'un doit beaucoup étudier. "(A 100 again Ms. Grayson. Someone must study a lot.)

I respond simply  "Pas du tout, je parle couramment français. Madame Carsia"(Not at all I'm fluent in french. Mrs. Carsia.) She just moves on since no one believes I'm fluent in french just that I study my caboose off to keep my perfect scores in the class. I get poked from behind.

"Hey I'm Wally. No matter how much I study I can never get the hang of french. You know that science class you said you wanted to get into in a presentation? I can tutor you for that if you tutor me in french. B-Besides I could use some more girls as friends... Everyone thinks I'm a girl hater but I just don't know how to talk to such cuties... That sounded weird shutting up now." I laugh and find him adorably awkward.

"Well I can tutor you in french and you can tutor me in science. Can't say my witch mom had a focus in it when I was home schooled. She more taught me spells. Turns out I have zero affinity for magic." He scoffs.

"Your mom forgot to tell you magic isn't real and its just parlor tricks to scare tourists." I blink but decide to give him his little fantasy of magic being a lie.

"Alright if you say so..." I go chat with him the whole period and then during break and lunch. Despite not believing in magic he's actually really cool. And he knows I'm trans but only sees me as a girl. Possibly as a girl he would date. I'll have to ask him about that later.

But I'm happy at school for the first time.

And I have a friend.

Also I'm looking forward to meeting his Uncle Barry who has a red friend who's just like him but a lot faster. I think he's talking about a cross dressing uncle but I'm not sure.


Well another chapter which I will be padding out later today or tomorrow depending o how you look at it. My all nighter failed but I will be pulling one now because I need to get my sleep schedule back to normal.

I'll see you in my next chapter or whatever you read next

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