Chapter 3 Revenge

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I found some knife like objects in bat shapes I can use. Some grappling hooks which help me fly.

I'm the last Flying Grayson and I'm. Gonna. SOAR!

I practice with the grappling hook for about five minutes till I get it down before going and grabbing my costume.

I want to look older so I take my mom's sports bra and stuff it and pin it in place. I put on my bright sunflower yellow skinny jeans that make it look like I have curves, a long-sleeved green shirt that is sturdy enough to fight in but still cute and feminine, and a red fo-leather jacket that covers up the sports bra over it to the mirror to check it out.I'm still very short...

I get my stilted shoes for a bit of height, about six inches to be exact. After that, I'm pretty sure I can pass for a twelve-year-old girl. Not as old as I want but I might be able to go up a little with hair and makeup. I'm thinking red lips with green eyeshadow and a ton of mascara

I put my hair in a high bun like a librarian to add just a little height to my appearance and deep blood red lipstick and bright emerald green eyeshadow like a classy lady.  To conceal who I am. I also Wrap a deep green silk scarf around my head to cover my hair. With just my bangs out front to conceal my face as much as I can while still being able to see.

After all that I run off through the same exit, Bruce had taken to find Zucco.

I am wandering through the city.

Three guys have already pulled up next to me and asked my price -_-

I put my knife thing in the third one's throat. He gave me his wallet and drove off.

I climb up to a roof with a fire escape and think of what to do next.

The police station has a lot of dirty cops and I met one if I follow him I should find Zucco.

I climb to the station they held me at and watch with a mask thingy I took. It looks like a Halloween mask but its actually high tech. Just covering the eyes. I can't use it all the time since I'm not used to the tech stuff in my field of vision and it would interfere with me fighting. I spot him at close to three am according to this mask.

I follow him and he goes down a dark alleyway to meet up with what appears to be one of Zucco's men. I grapple down landing on top of the two of them and putting a knife thing shaped like a cartoon bat at both their throats.

"Tell me where Zucco is!!!!" I say in a deep voice. Ugh, I hate using my boy's voice. The cop squirms under me. He's a fat, short, slimy guy and I can't believe they gave this guy a badge. 

"Okay, Miss I'll tell you just let me up." I consider it a second before grabbing his gun and letting him up pointing it at him. Letting him move without shooting him

"Damn," He says. That's what I thought. He wanted to get to a place he could grab this.

I have never held a gun in my life however at this distance I can't miss, "Miss take it easy give me the gun and we can talk about this." He steps forward and I shoot at his feet. He scampers backward at this.

"Stay back! Tell me where he is or die!!!" Just then a figure appears behind me and knocks the gun out of my hand. I turn around and go to punch them in the d*** They stop me slamming me into the ground. It's Bruce

"Tati? NO! DIRTY COP!! He shows me where Zucco is! Let me up!!" The cop looks over at me.

"Tati... That's what that circus brat called his dad? Wait, Batman, is this girl's Father? I can't remember that brats name brat I would love for you to tell me... Once I take you to the station." I pull out from under Bruce and rush him before Bruce can stop me I've shoved the knife into his neck. Bruce pulls me off him but its too late and he's dead. The other man has run and Batman looks at me.

"Why?" He asks as I look up at him.

"I keep your secret. You safe now and I'm going to go find Zucco." I pull away but he holds me in place.

"We don't kill ever Richelle." I glare up at him.

"You don't kill... Wilson say killing okay, make world go round. I like Wilson he helps me."

"Who's Wilson?"


Well, my Birthday is tomorrow. I mixed up the date yesterday I thought it was the thirty-first but it was the thirtieth. I'm still following my birthday gift to myself and writing whatever I want for the next week. You might see some new books or multiple chapters for the same book a day I'm not sure. Also, word counts are going out the window until I finish with this. So 


Love You Guys Gals and Non-Binary Pals

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