Chapter 1

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You wake up one morning and look out of the window. Buckets of rain poured from the sky and cascade from the sky. You sigh and walk towards your mirror your (hair length), (hair colour) stuck out all ends. Your (eye colour) held no excitement in them. You brushed your hair and changed into simple black jeans and a plain black top with white converse trainers. You trudge down the stairs and walk to the kitchen room and take a seat. You sit across from your father who's face was hidden behind the paper. You look at your mother who was making pancakes. "What's up kiddo?" Your dad asked. You looked out the window. "Don't worry sweetie. There always sunshine beyond the clouds." Your mother said. You smiled at her optimism. "Oh, dear you have a letter." You looked at the letter and opened it up it seemed very fancy and had a boarder of black patters and a name of some sorts written on it. 啟示 you had no idea what it meant you looked at your mom. "Mom you studied languages. What is this word?" You passed the letter to her and she looked confused but then smiled. "That's Chinese dear. There are two types of Chinese. There is new Chinese then there is traditional Chinese. The word is pronounced Qǐshì." She passed the letter back to you. You looked confused. Why would someone name their place after a Chinese word? You decided to actually read what was written on the letter

Dear (Y/N)

it has come to my attention that you live with your family still at the age of 20. I am the mayor of Qǐshì village. My name is Paige. I am a distant relative of your mother. I have not seen you since you were mearly a new born. Small and sweet you were. I hope to see you and get to talk about you about your life. I am eager to know. I have a home just for you. If your willing to take it. I will pay for your rent and I will be happy to show you around town. I patiently await you to arrive. If you worry about transport I have a car for you. Call this number and a car will come to pick you up within an hour of your dial.

(Insert number)

I eagerly await you.

P. Clair (didn't actually use my last name)

You look to your mother. "Hey mom. Who is Paige?" Your mom serves your breakfast and she sits down to eat her own. "Well she is a member of my side of the family. She has a busy life. Was that a letter from her?" She asked as she started eating. You nod. "Yeah she wants me to move near her town. She has become mayor of that Chinese named place. She says I have to call the number written on the the letter then I have to wait an hour for the car to arrive and the driver will take me there." You said. Your father put the paper down and smiled at you. "I think it would be a wonderful idea. She will be taking you to a new town. You get to make new friends. You can start a new life... Since... You know..." You nod. "Yeah.." Your life isn't the greatest. The actions you done. People will never forgive you for. Your sins will never be atoned for. "I decided. I want to go there. I want a new life. I wanna know this distant family member. I have to meet her. I would have liked to know if there is anyway she could have stopped me from doing the actions I have done." You stated. Your hands turning into fists. Your mother looked at you unhappy. You have never seen your mother unhappy before. This worried you. "She wouldn't have. She would have made things worse. Much worse. The reason why Paige is distant from family is..." She stopped and looked out of the window. No longer speaking. The same unhappy expression on her face. A tear slipped from her eye. The. She spoke up again. "She is... Dark... Not healthy... Not sane..." Your mothers voice became quieter every word she said. "Then how is she the mayor?" You asked your fists turned to hands. You hugged your mother. Your mothers expression changed to happy. "Well you better start packing." You ate your breakfast quickly and ran upstairs. You heard your mother say something and your dad respond. "Should we tell her about Paige?" Your moms voice. "While she is packing... Tell her... Tell her to keep it a secret from everyone else." Your dad said. You ran upstairs and started packing and pretending you heard nothing...

Village of horror (slashers X reader) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now