Chapter 4

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(Narration will be in bold)


When I was younger I saw the world as black and white. Dull and cold. The world gave me no emotion and I gave it no emotion so people made fun of me. "Hello class today we have a new student. Her name is (Y/N). Treat her kindly." The teacher opened the door and you walked in. Your face held no expression except for boredom. Your dress and shoes were grey and your eyes held nothing but darkness. "I'm (Y/N)." is all you said. Your teacher pointed to a table away from the other children. You took a seat and sat in the corner and you started drawing in the table. You drew cats and dogs. You then wrote on the table a simple 'hello!' You then noticed a group of children walking towards you. "Why do you dres like that?" You looked at her confused and another girl spoke. "You dress like you saw someone die." You looked at them expressionless. "I might have. I might not have." They walked away laughing and smiling.

It was break time and you saw a group of children playing games and smiling at one another. You walk up to a group of girls and ask "can I play?" They glare at you and one of them say. "No. Why would we let creepy girl play with us?" Another girl spoke "because she's different." Then another spoke "we don't like different." They all nodded and walked away from an upset (Y/N).

There was only one person who made me feel emotion. That was my grandpa. He was always happy to see me. You ran towards your grandpa and he smiled and opened his arms out to hug you. You smiled at him and he laughed at you. Your mother watched from afar. Your grandpa pulled a small badge of a black flower. He placed the badge into your tiny ones. "Promise me. Promise me that when I am near the brink of death. You will give it me back. I give it you now so this badge so it can collect memories and when I am at the brink of death place it into my dying hands and I will listen to the stories placed in this badge." He said as you both walked into his small home. "How is grandma?" His expression changed to a sad one. "Her grave is nicely decorated. Want to see it?" You smiled and nodded.

Grandma made me happy too. It was such a shame when she died so early. She died of sickness. You see the small grave covered in  different flowers. Roses, lillies, sunflowers, forget me not's, carnations and the grandma's favourite flowers lavender. There were small decorations placed around the grave. Angels mainly. On the stone it read

here lies

Margret (last name)

////- ////

loving wife , mother and grandmother

the stone was wearing away and was starting to wear away so you couldn't see her date of birth or death. But you remember her day of death so well. You stare at the grave next to your grandpa. "Whatever you do. Never loose the colour we give you. Do what it takes to bring the colour back into that small mind of yours." He said as you nodded.

I tried so much to bring colour into your world when you weren't with your grandpa. Cooking. No. Drawing. No. But one day I was cutting vegetables when I cut my finger. When the blood poured it felt like the worlds colours could be seen. Only at the sight of blood. So I would "accidentally" hurt someone to see the colours others couldn't see. The world got more dull into my teen years. I was still bullied and I still held my dull tone. But I had learned to make friends. "Cheer up (Y/N). I will help you find someone for The dance." Your friend Will said. Your friends were Will Graham and Clarice Starling. "If all else fails we can all go as friends." Clerics said. Will looked over to a Gil from his class. She already had a date but he still wanted to ask. You looked over to will. "Will. Wanna go to the dance... As friends?" He looked to you and smiled. "Sure."

An hour before the dance you had got changed into your dress. It was a long white dress that flowed and you wore a flower crown of daisies and a bracelet that matched. You (curled or straightened) your hair and your mother and father smiled. You sat in your room waiting for will when you got a message from him.

She asked me to the dance! So I'm going with her. You can come along with us if you want.

you chose to ignore the message and you sat on your bed and cried. But you wiped your eyes and gave a determined look. No. Just because will he'd left you doesn't mean you weren't going to go. You redone your make up and walked out to the school and walked into the dance. Will was there with his date. You chose to ignore them and you spotted Clarice. "Hi. You look amazing." She said and smiled at you. "Thanks." You said. You spotted 2 girls that like to torment and tease you. They have always since you were young. "Well, well lookie here. It's little odd (Y/N) what a pretty outfit your wearing." One of them said. You ran to the toilets and hid there. The two followed and pushed you and you fell on the tiled floor. Your arm was bruised. "It would be ashamed to have the dress ruined." The other said and held a pair of scissors in their hands and one pinned you down and the other started cutting bits of the dress off. Then started tearing at the fabric. They too kind the bracelet and headwear from you and threw them into a dirty puddle that was outside the window. They then started punching and kicking you. You tried to get out of the girls grasp but she held you like a vice. "Let's mess that lovely make up." You were able to get out of the grasp and you tried to run away but she threw you to the ground and kicked you as hard as you can in the face and knocked you out. They look,ed at each other and ran away leaving you on the bathroom floor...

Straight after the dance my grandpa died and I couldn't get to him in time. They had knocked me out again and left me with a black eye. You stood at the end of your grandfathers bed. "Sorry my dear. Your too late. Grandpa took a toll for the worse and when he got to the hospital he was already gone." Your mother said. You held the badge he gave you and started bawling into tears. "I'm too late!" You yelled. "I'm sorry I couldn't give it you back!" You yelled. Anger boiled in you. The world was so very dark. Very very dark. Nearly in total black. You then rembered the promise about colou. You were going to keep that promise.

The promise he made about seeing the world in colour. Not matter what you were being to keep it. I knew what I had to do. You carried a small blade in your pocket at you made your way to the girls. You smirked as you grabbed one of the girls arms and held it tightly. "Please.. Let go..." She sounded upset and in pain. Oh how you loved that. You held her harm straight and swing your knee up high. Making her arm bend in an unnatural way. She screamed and grabbed her friend but the hair and started smacking her head into a wall. You kept going and going and going and had no intention of stopping. The blood was plastered on the wall. You grabbed the girl with the broken arm and repeated stabbed her. Colour flowed back and you smiled. Then you saw Clarice and Will looking at you in shock and disbelief. You panicked and started to run. Police came after you. You were then taser end and you fell to the floor.

You then woke up in a hospital bed. Police surrounded you. You heard your mother talking with an officer and your father held you hand. "Hey kiddo. We are explaining what happened and your... Condition." He said. "I have a condition?" You nodded and said. "Yes. We didn't want to tell you because we were worried what would happen. You mainly see black and white but if you see something you like it would appear in colour and if you touched or did something about the coloured item you would see the world in its colours. We have medication for you now so it's ok. They are not going to arrest you. Your safe." He said as he hugged you tightly. You mother ran to you and hugged you.

Flashback end

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