Hang with the girls

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Kauthie P.O.V.

'I through a wish in a well don't ask me I never...'

"....Had sex with Taylor Lautner"I said,as I was walking up to hang with my girls.My alarm clock screamed out the Canadian Black haired girl,Carly Rea Jepson.

I quickly got out of bed and had a nice wash.I quickly got out the bathroom and got dressed into light blue jeans and a plain top with a varsity jacket....Going Zayn Malik style.

Before I could wear my shoes,Ria my best friend texted me (A/N:She is the Bomb follow her @riathedirectioner and read her story I'm in it and p.s.Ria I didn't know I was skipping *only she will understand*)

Ria;Hey gurl!

Kauthie;Wat up!

Ria;Oh just Eden got a date!

Kauthie;Whattt,when did that happen!

Next thing you know speak of the devil and it shall come!

Eden;I got a date!I knew that hoe!

Kauthie;Well Ria just told me that!

Eden;Awww!She took my spotlight.

Kauthie;Get used to it!

After chatting with Eden for 10 mins.I got sick of her...jk Im not that cruel! Anywhoo Eden got a date with Sam the guy she has had a crush on since Year 8 (A/N:In the Uk we have years instead of grades so it would be freshman year.) And Im sure the whole school knew.

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