Chapter 4

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I am exhausted. My limbs buzz with numbness, as I lay back on the couch in the small room. Tobias is out getting us food for dinner, I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to leave me alone, but with my temporary inability to walk, he had no choice. I look out of the small window on the wall across from me, and watch as the slightly distorted, due to a thin later if dirt, sun set on the unfamiliar horizon. I think of how strange these past few months have been. I think of Tobias and I, of our child. How will it grow up? Or more importantly, where will it grow up? It's obvious that we can't stay here, it's to dangerous. I know now that the war really isn't over, I may have bought us time with the memory serum, but as I have learned in the last couple of months, the world is much bigger than Chicago.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door open. I do my best to turn my head and look over, and am shocked at who my visitor is. "Tris" Caleb says, he is lingering in the doorway, unsure whether or not he should enter. He draws in a breath and takes a step forward. "Caleb" It comes out as more of a moan than anything else. "I just came to say thank you, for you know, saving my life and risking your own." "Ok", I respond. "I also
wanted to talk to you about something." He looks rather nervous as he speaks, he is looking down at his shoes and twiddling with his thumbs.

After minutes of silence, he continues "It's about Four...". "Oh" I respond, suddenly worried. "Listen, now I understand what you have went through, but, but I don't think that Four is right for you." "Excuse me" I look passed Caleb to see an impatient Tobias, his hands occupied with two very full plates. Caleb gets an entire shade paler, he doesn't dare turn around to face Tobias. Efficiently Tobias drops the plates of food and pins Caleb to the floor, his knee pressed into Caleb's chest. "Now you listen" Tobias leans forward, so that his face is only inches from my brother's, and whispers, "Tris and I are together, and there is nothing you can say or do to change that. Tris may have forgiven you, but I haven't yet.". "I don't want you messing with my little sister, how serious are you anyway?" Caleb spits back. "So serious that she is carrying our child." As if even possible Caleb gets even paler, his mouth now slightly ajar. "Oh, and Tris isn't your little anything" Tobias tells him before throwing a hard punch into Caleb's jaw, I gasp as I see the life leave his eyes.

"Tobias, how could you!" I try to sound angry, but instead I sound as though I am in pain. "Tris" I can see the anger leave his eyes, replaced by sorrow. I forgive him, I will never admit it, but Caleb deserved this.

"We should probably leave" Tobias finally says after a long silence. "Where, I can't even walk.". "I'll help you". He pulls me up into a sitting position, and gently helps me stand up. He lets go of my arm and I immediately fall. Luckily, Tobias catches me just before I hit the ground. He picks me up, and lays me back down on the bed. "Maybe we should leave tomorrow" I say, trying to make a joke. Tobias smiles and kisses my forehead gently as I drift off to sleep.


Hope you all enjoyed! Please remember to vote and review! I promise that a very big surprise is coming up in the next chapter, and that the next chapter will be very long. :-)

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