Chapter 32

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(Natalia's/Tessa's POV)

Nerves fill me, my sweaty hands shake. The gun in my waistband presses up against my stomach.

My mom was hesitant to give me a gun at first, but with some help from Noah and Christina, she gave me one.

I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, the dim, yellow lights flicker. I look years older then I actually am, the guards body lies unconscious on the floor of a stall.

After I carefully tricked him into showing me to the restroom he tried to kiss me, I nearly barfed.

I let him get close to me, close enough to knee him in the groin. After that, it wasn't too hard to knock him unconscious, although he did get a good punch to my jaw.

I apply concealer to my bruised jaw, and add red lipstick to my busted lip.

I wince, the pain is mild, but it still hurts.

I dare one more glance in the mirror before taking the guards access card, and leaving the bathroom.

My heels click with each step.

"There you are!" Noah runs towards me, Jason trailing right behind him.

"I was so worried that something went wrong! Tessa, your lip, what happened?" I try to calm him down by giving him a quick kiss, but he immediately deepens it.

"Sorry to interrupt and all, but I think that we have more important tasks at hand." Jason moans.

Noah and I part, even through the pounds of makeup on my face, I can feel my cheeks blush a deep red.

We all begin our journey through the Bureau's halls. While my mother is rescuing my father, Noah, and I are in charge of finding out why my father was kidnapped in the first place.

Jason parts from us to find Emily, who is undercover as a nurse in the medical office. She thought that it would be a good idea to find my parent's medical records.

Noah and I rush through the halls, I am supposed to find the information that I am looking for in a room called the weapons lab.

The last time I was in this building, I was four. I don't remember much.

If we are to find out why my dad was kidnapped, I will need to get that information from someone.

I hear footsteps behind Noah and I, and begin to reach for my gun, when I hear that familiar voice.

"Leo, you scared the crap out me!" I yell as I turn around and punch him playfully in the arm.

"Well if you are here, you might as well help us find the weapons lab."

Leo doesn't say a word, he seems... eerie, nothing like he usually is.

We walk in an awkward silence, the air seems thick with anticipation.

I am about to take another step forward, when I feel something hard and circular pressed into the middle of my back.

"What the..." Noah begins.

"Shut up!" Leo cries.

Stunned with fear, I stand perfectly still as Leo presses the gun into my back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Noah lunge at Leo. He doesn't get very far before Leo takes the butt of the gun and hits the side of his head, hard.

I release a shrill scream as I watch him crumple to the floor.

Tears streak my face as Leo presses me to the wall, the gun now presses between my eyes. I glance, and notice that Noah isn't unconscious.

Leo towers over me, he pulls he by the hair and slams my head back into the wall.

Spots dance at the edges of my vision, so that I only see the blurry Leo in front of me.

"Why?" I squeak as he clicks the bullit into the chamber.

I notice a tear roll down his cheek. "I'm sorry" he whispers.

My breaths quicken, and then I remember my gun. His eyes are so focused on mine that I easily slip my weapon from my waistband.

I see his fingers slide to the trigger and shoot him in the chest without hesitation.

He falls with a hard thud, blood pool around his suddenly pale, lifeless body.

I feel him for a heartbeat, but his chest sounds as still as a tree. Tears roll down my face in great numbers, here lies my childhood friend, dead. None the less, I killed him.

I weep over his body until I feel two sturdy hands pull me up by the shoulders. Noah wraps me in his warm embrace.

"We have to go." I choke out.

"Ok" Noah responds, he looks worried.

Leaving Leo behind, we set off to finish what we started.


Hope you all enjoyed. Please comment and vote, it means so much to me as a writer.


And an extra special thank you to Fangirl_to_death for commenting on my message board!

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