Chapter 12

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(Tris's and Tobias's wedding)
(About 1 month later)

I walk down the short isle in a simple, knee length white dress. I really didn't want anything fancy, in fact I actually wanted to wear jeans and a tank top to my wedding, but Christina insisted that I wear a white dress. Tobias is looking incredibly handsome in an obviously second hand suit. I don't mind though, like I said, I didn't want anything special.

I reach the alter, and Tobias flashes me a smile. Behind me, Christina holds Natalia while wearing an elegant purple gown that flows to her ankles. She is dressed up more then I am. Zeke stands behind Tobias, obviously uncomfortable in his tuxedo, which looks at least two sizes to small for him. Uriah, and Shauna sit in the otherwise empty isles. Caleb sits in the far back.

A man whom I never met before stands to my left, holding a book. I assume that it has something to do with the ceremony. Christina was so exited, that she ultimately planned my wedding. Every time is told her that she didn't have to do something, she would just shoot me a glare and say that it was her duty as my maid of honor. I drift my gaze and attention to Tobias who is biting the inside of his cheek. His eyes meet mine and he stops. The guy who stands beside us tells us that he is something called a justice of the peace, and begins talking about love and life. To be honest I don't really listen to him, I can tell that Tobias isn't either as he tries to stifle a yawn. The justice stops for a second and glares at him before continuing. I try not to laugh. Instead, Tobias and I exchange large smiles.

After what feels like years the Justice says, "And now for the vows." My eyes widen, I didn't know that we had to write vows! The only weddings I had ever attended had been in Abnegation, to which the bride and groom just exchanged compliments, were given rings, a home of their own, and was sent off to go back to their everyday lives. This is like a fairy tail wedding compared to that.

Tobias takes out a rather crumpled price of paper and clears his throat. "Tris, I'm not very good with words, so I'll try to make this quick and painless," Uriah stifles a snicker, and is then slapped in the back if the head by Shauna. "I love you, I always have and I always will. You are the greatest thing that has and ever will happen to me, I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and Natalia as one happy family." Happy tears filly eyes, and then I realize that it is my turn. The room is silent, and I can feel everyone's eyes boring into me. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around, Christina hands me a neatly folded paper, and I mouth a thank you. I begin to read, "Four, you are the wind beneath my wings, the fuel to my fire..." I scroll down and find myself reading nonsense. I rip the paper in half and toss it to the side. "Hey" I here Christina whisper. I grab both of Tobias's hands and look into his eyes. "Four, I don't need a million analogies to describe how I feel about you. We are literal people. So I mean when I say that I couldn't be happier right now, that out of any place in the world, this is where I want to be. You are amazing, smart, and selfless. We have been through everything together, good and bad. And while some if those memories may be tragic, I'm glad that you were still their to support me. I love you Four." I let out a long exhale when I'm done, and look around at everyone's shocked faces. "What," I ask "I do have a heart you know." Tobias starts laughing, and is soon followed by Uriah, Shauna, Zeke, Christina, and even me. The only one with a straight face is Caleb, his hands folded neatly in his lap, his eyes fixated on me.

When we are all done laughing, the Justice continues on, and Tobias and I exchange rings. They are simple silver bands, much like me engagement ring, however this ring has a heart etched in diamonds on it. I notice that Tobias's ring has the same pattern of stones. Finally the justice says, "I niw pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." I throw my arms around Tobias's neck, and I hear cheers all around us. We part with large smiles on our faces. I am handed Natalia, and hand in hand, Tobias and I walk back down the isle. I notice that Caleb is watching my every move. I push the thought to the back of mind, it was nothing, he was just looking at me, right?


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