Chapter 30

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This is it, my hands, shaking and sweaty, open the door to the familiar lobby. Nothing seems to have changed, even the sculpture with the dripping water feature seems to have been fixed and put into place.

I do my very best to suppress every memory and and emotion I have attached to this place.

In this building, I discovered that my world was nothing more then a science experiment, I also truly became six. I 'died' and killed many others to protect and save my home. In this old, complex building, I have loved, lost, fought, and won. Today will be a victory, I can't lose any more people in my life, not after all that I have went through.

Seeing as that I can easily be identified here, both Natalia and I wear pounds of make up, thanks to Christina, we are unrecognizable.

I do my best to keep my posture straight, and look confident and cunning. If we are to sneak in past security, I can't look as desperate and depressed as I truly feel.

My heels make an odd clicking sound as I make my way across the room with Natalia in tow. The others are waiting outside for our signal.

The hidden, hard metal gun presses into my stomach with each step.

"May I help you?" Asks a bulky security guard. I swallow hard before replying, "We are here to see someone."

"May I ask who?" Replays the guard. I ignore his question and instead say, "We have some valuable information for the Allegiant, pertaining to the Eaton case."

His eyes goes wide, he steps to the side to let both Natalia and I pass.

My palms go moist, I run them along the leg of my pants.

Click, Click. Each step only adds to my pounding headache.

Click, Click. There he is, right on time.

Click, Click. Mathew stands nervously at the end of hallway, a small orange envelope in his hand.

"Good morning?" I say to him aloud.

"Ahhh, hello Mrs. Johnson." As far as I know, the Bureau has no record of my marriage. It is safe to call me Mrs. Johnson, however, Natalia is going by Ms. Pendrad. She picked the name.

Mathew hands me the package, and I silently mouth a thank you.

He winks, and I turn to leave.

"Wait, I almost forgot, room 446." I nod and walk off with Natalia at my heels.


444, 445, 446. I stop abruptly, causing Natalia to nearly crash into my backside.

Two tall and broad security guards stand, blocking the entrance to the room.

Just as rehearsed, Natalia walks up to one of the guards and sweetly asks them, "Where are the restrooms located, I'm new here, and it's so difficult to find things."

She twirls a lock of her hair, and I almost gag at the giddy look on the guards faces as they watch my daughter flirt.

"Right down the hall, first door on the right."

"Oh, I just know that I will get lost. Do you mind showing me the way." Natalia charms.

The guard hesitates before telling the other guard that he will be back soon.

I watch Natalia and the guard walk off, until they turn a corner and disappear.

I stare at the other guard, what can I do with him?

I pull out my phone and send a brief message to Zeke, the signal.

Minutes later, a large explosion rattles the building. The security guard looks from me to the door behind him, but decides to run towards the chaos.


I hear someone yelling to evacuate, and recognize it as Christina.

Unnoticed, I slip into room 446.


I've had severe writers block, as well as a lot going on. However I promise that I am now back on track for updates. Please comment and vote! (Thank you to my loyal 7.3 k readers, you all are truly incredible!)

15 votes=Update

Question: Who is Edgar, and why is he ruining Insurgent?

Allegiant (Continuation)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang