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"I'm sleeping."

"You can't be sleeping if you're talking to me."

"I was sleeping."
I mutter.
"What do you want?"

"I have news."

"Can it wait?"


"You better be fuckin' dying, Emilio. What do you want?"
Groaning, I remove the arm covering my eyes and glare at the Hispanic man at the doorway.

"You have a job now."

"Excuse me?"

"Rick said that they're missing shifts in the watch tower, so he's assigning you to work up there tonight."

It's silent.

"Stop glaring at me."

"You woke me up to tell me that some old man wants me to work his fucking shift?"

"It's not Rick's shift, I never said it was Rick's shift."
He explains.
"I said they were missing shifts, I never specified whose it was."

"They have like fifty people who could work for them. I'm not here to work for these peasants."

"If you want to fit in, you're going to have to do some actual work. Right now, almost everyone is afraid of you."

"What's wrong with that?"
I furrow my eyebrows.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It is when it's interfering with what we need to do. You can't be everyone's fear, that's not okay. You can't do that here."

"If they're afraid of me, I can't change that. It's their problem, not mine."

"Theodore, get off of your ass and help me out here."

"I fuckin' got you here, hijo de puta!"
I growl.
"I don't owe you anything."

He sighs, coming to sit down at the edge of the bed.
"Teddy, please. We're here for a reason."

"You want me to go stand in the shadows in a goddamn watch tower?"

"You won't be the only one."
He says.
"Rick's son will be there, too."

"I'll do it."

He groans.
"You couldn't have said that, like, four minutes ago?"

"Well, I didn't know his son was going to be involved."


"That kid is mine."
I speak, putting on my socks and boots.
"You and Ángel can have the others, but you better leave the boy to me."

averescu ϟ Carl Grimes GayWhere stories live. Discover now