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"This is Avery, Lux, Prince, and Keiji from The Kingdom."

"Pleased to meet you all."

"You're familiar with Paris, I'm sure. Alessandro And Reece come from her home down at Oceanside."


"Graham is from Hilltop, and so are the Beauregard twins— Peyton and Leyton."

The two boys squeak in sync, smiling.

My dad had freaked out and pulled an unnecessary move. Even though Theodore, Castello, and Emilio served as our leaders, my dad went behind their back and called for reinforcements.

Teddy, Cas, and Em do a fantastic job at leading us, I think everyone can agree with me on this one. We don't need little backstabbers to go around and cause trouble that is only going to come back to bite all of us in the ass.

Avery, Lux, Prince, Keiji, Paris, Alessandro, Reece, Graham, and the twins would come in handy for this chaotic storm that was brewing our way— but with that came the frustration of having 10 new mouths to feed.

Although Theodore was enjoying being able to stare at all the new hot men and boys that just joined our team, I could see him balling his hand into a fist behind his back.

None of us were prepared for this to happen, and it would be incredibly rude to turn these newcomers away, especially when our luck was being tested to the extreme.

"I'd like to speak with all of you, please."
Teddy rasps.
"Come with me to my office, yeah?"

Following him like a shadow, Melbourne closes the door behind all of us and the room fills with a tense silence. I wasn't sure what was about to go down, and I could tell— just like me— Emilio was a little worried about what Teddy was going to say and how he was going to act.

"Avery, Lux, Prince, Keiji, Leyton and Peyton, Alessandro."
The man growls, although it wasn't in a mean way, that's just how he talks!
"Graham, Reece, and Paris, is that right?"

"You've got it."
Avery nods.

Lux sighs.

"I'll be honest— I wasn't fuckin' expecting to meet all of you today, let alone make sure you've got a place to sleep."
Teddy admits.
"I'm at a loss of fucking words because this was not supposed to happen."

"But we're happy to have you guys here with us."
Emilio speaks, patting Teddy on the back.
"Thank you for accepting the... shocking invitation."

"It's no problem."
Paris smiles.
"I now understand that this wasn't intentional, and I'm sorry that you have to put up with all this stress, but I can tell you that we're worth it."

"We're all sorry, but to be honest, we all have something to bring to the table."
Keiji says, and I was not expecting such a soft and calming voice to come out of him.
"I promise you, Theodore. We've got this."

CASTELLO is our Commander, he keeps everything in check. He serves the lead position and he holds all the power each and every single one of us. He has an amazing leadership attitude, logistical planning skills, and awesome interpersonal skills. I think he's so brave and magnificent because of his time in the Navy.

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