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"Why do you have to do this? Come on, Theodore. You know me— we know one another."

"I don't have to, I want to."

"Please— please! I will do anything! I'll do anything."

"Tell me everything you know about Alpha."

"What? Who? Who is that?"

"You want me to dunk you again?"


"Cut the bullshit, you know who I'm talking about."

"O-O-Okay. Um, okay, s-she, uh..."

"You don't want to talk now?"
I ask, stepping forward.
"That's okay. I have all day, Dwight."

Dwight was quickly stripped naked, then laid on his against the cold metal bars that restricted prisoners from the outside world of their cell. Jedidiah and Nicholaigh helped me out by attaching straps on his body to restrain the him in a position convenient for us, with his legs spread and arms away from the sides of his body.

To prevent movement and obnoxious squirming, I tightened the straps as much as I could before taking a step back to look at my masterpiece.

Although I had two of my most loyal men right next to me, I decided to call Milo down to do some of the extra detailing. I ordered him to heavily stimulate Dwight's genitals, with vibrators and ointments to increase sensitivity, and then making sure he let me know when he was finished.

The bucket of ice cold water was tediously poured down on Dwight's body, already causing him to yelp and try to get away from me, but the straps weren't going to budge.

Electricity was drawn from a staticky socket on the concrete wall and fed to him through a control box that was connected to him by two wires terminating in electrodes. The controls in Nicholaigh's hands allowed us to adjust the voltage, level, and the severity of the electric shocks that would soon be piercing into his veins.

Even though we began gentle and generous, I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere with him, thus making me have to ask Nic for a higher dose.

After that, Dwight still refused to talk to me and instead just shut his eyes and acted like a child. When your baby knows they're in trouble, they throw their hands over their eyes or just close them because they are under the impression that doing so will prevent you from seeing them.

I asked him to cooperate one last time before turning to Castello and Delancey for help.

Due to their high intelligence and incredible scheming, they work very well together— which only allowed me to grow stronger and more advanced.

Castello had the brilliant idea to fix the wires and instead wrap them around the head of Dwight's penis head, and replace our extra wires with a mesh wiring bag that fit snugly over the his testicles— and Delancey thought about the possibility to insert a thin metal rod into his urethra, and I fucking loved it.

Jedidiah and Kreighton applied metal clamps to his nipples and clitoris, deciding not to worry about the labia and instead just use the two earlier methods. Once attached, we gained more power and therefor were allowed to amp up the electrocution by a couple of levels. I wanted to give Delancey and Castello a turn with the control box, but they insisted to just watch. They wanted to see this and be surprised by what Nicholaigh decided to do.

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