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"Come on! Are you fuckin' kidding me?"

"You're insane!"

"And you're a fuckin' pussy!"
I growl, changing my magazine before taking a few shots towards the enemies on the other side.

"This is not how I wanted to spend my day."
Melbourne sneers, aiming towards one of the bigger guys and only missing by a hair.
"I need ammo! Hurry up!"

"I want that one."

"I'm using it, find somethin' else."

"Theodore, I want the rifle you're using."
Adelaide argues, flipping her long ponytail over her shoulder.
"Give it to me."

"Are you fuckin' joking, Adelaide?"
I glare at her, shoving the rifle against her chest.
"This is not the time."

"I always get what I want."

"So do I, princess. You ain't special."
Sebastian chuckles, tossing me a shotgun before coming to stand on my left side.
"Four left."

"I want this one!"

"Get out of my fuckin' way!"
I yell, shoving people out of the way to get the last four shots remaining.

I don't play games to come in second place. I don't let people take my spotlight. If it's my time to shine, which it always is, I will not allow some fucker come along and make it any different.

Blackthornians made my skin crawl. They were so naive, so hesitant, and so fuckin' incompetent. They are convinced that since they safe beyond the prison walls, nothing will happen to them.

They're all fuckin' stupid because you're always in danger. You're never going to be safe, untouched, and worry-free. People are here to kill, that's why they aren't dead yet.

They know how to survive, and if any of these jailbait man-baby bitches got in my way, I wouldn't hesitate to stick a knife in their throat.

Carl, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sebastian were all with me, and Emilio, Delancey, Rick Grimes, and Avery were defending the other side.

Since we had shot down the infiltrators, it was okay to group up together again. Those bastards didn't stand a chance, and to be honest, I would have much rather kill them all slowly, to make sure they were miserable and begging for forgiveness.

"I told you it would be easy."
Adelaide comments as we all caught up with one another, rolling her eyes.
"You're not the best shot, Rick."

"Why are you even still here?"
Melbourne squints his eyes.
"Weren't you supposed to leave, like, four days ago?"

"You guys need me more than I need you, so until you all learn how to shoot like Theodore, I'll stick around."

"Hey, how about I get him to teach me and then I put a bullet in your fuckin' head?"

averescu ϟ Carl Grimes GayWhere stories live. Discover now