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T W E N T Y — F O U R

I thought my castle crumbled overnight, they brought a knife to a gunfight. They want my crown, but it's alright.

All these roses grew back as thorns, all their drama queens taking swings and the jokers dressing up as kings.

Revelations change our outlook on cold, hard cash, and pretty faces are created to tranquilize your motivation. You can look for sleep, but prepare for loneliness.


Play dead.

You need to have balls in order to carry the masses. If you can undress it, you can worship it. Never stop being destructive.

Look in the mirror and say— you look brainwashed.

Always hate your dreams, you'll get them regardless.

I'm not going to stop until my daddy tells me he's proud of his baby boy.

When you're a king, there are certain things that you're going to have to go through with a headstrong persona and confidence. Although I had blood spilling on the Asian rug in the main hall, I sorta like the new look it gave.

Everyone knows that I'm a force to be reckoned with, and if they attempt to come after me, they'll be put down like a rabid fucking wolf. I'm not afraid to run you over with a bulldozer if I have to.

Leyton and Peyton had been following me around like lost puppies, and to be honest, I was all for it. It's important that they know that their daddy is here for them and it doesn't matter what the situation is, they can come to me for everything.

My vodka was waiting for me beneath the balcony. It had been a stressful day, and this was going to be one of the only times I actually had to relax and take this legacy in. I've worked hard, and I'm never going to grow old of seeing what I created.

Jedidiah, Milo, Penelope, Prince, Reece, Alessandro, and Graham were all gone by this point, and I began to realize the amount of irritation they all caused me. I could feel my shoulders becoming less tense, and that was all because I didn't have to deal with those fuckers anymore.

I had high hopes for Graham, I really did, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and even though I would have preferred to keep him in the kingdom, it's clear that the universe had a different plan for him.

He was a good man, and he was very genuine. Graham was a man who could balance the weight of the world on his shoulders and I was able to admire that while it lasted. It's a shame that he didn't make it til the end, I was really rooting for him.

People don't die so that you'll mourn them. After it happens, continuously bitching and crying isn't going to get you anywhere in life. You remember them, and then you move on. You aren't supposed to stay in the past, the only way is up because the future is waiting.

Carl and I fucked for a little while, but after a bit, I decided I wanted to spruce things up. I brought the ball gag out for him, the clit vibrator for myself, and I also took the risk and tied his wrists to the bed to ensure that he wouldn't move or break free.

To be honest, sex with him is absolutely and utterly incredible, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Every time we go at it, it gets better and better. Our orgasms become stronger and the ecstasy is inevitably stunning.

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