Chapter 1

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Everyone knew the world was going to end. But we didn't think it would happen with a plague that would bring people back from the dead. When I heard on the news that people were coming back to life after dying, I'm not going to lie, I was a little bit excited. I had always been a weird child. I was addicted to a life I could never live. Whether it was in books, movies or TV shows, I had always wished that I could live a life of survival. So, when the news came that my wish was finally coming true, of course there was some excitement.

I stood watching in excitement and horror as the breaking news segment was showing a video filmed on someone's mobile phone. A police officer was approaching someone hunched over a woman. It looked like they were crying. They started off by yelling at the man to step away from the body. The man staggered up, blood was covering half of his face. His skin was a very pale blue. His eyes were white and hungry. His mouth was snarling and dripping saliva mixed with blood. He swayed his head with fast and sharp movements, it looked as if he was blind. Sniffing the air.

The police officer shouted at the man to raise his hands above his head. The man's bloody face snapped towards the police officer and then he slowly stood up, still sniffing the air. The police officer shouted at the man again, but this time, the man full on sprinted at them. The police officer shot the man in the chest in a panic. The crowd screamed. The man stumbled but kept moving forward. The police officer shot the man in the chest three more times. The man was almost on the police officer before he brought the gun up to the man's head and fired. He instantly dropped to the ground.

Everyone had been so fixated on the police officer and the man, that they hadn't realised the woman that the man had been munching on had come back to life and was biting into someone in the crowd. More screaming started and the crowd dispersed. All you could see from the footage was a shaky blur as whoever was filming what was happening ran away.

It kicked me into drive and I knew what we had to do and get for our survival. If people were coming back from the dead, there was no way we were ever going to have a normal life again. I ran to the kitchen and found my parents there.

"We have to go into town. Now." I said as I ran into the room.

"Why? Is there something you need?" My mum asks as she hooks a damp tea towel on the oven handle.

"It's something we need. We need to get supplies. People are coming back from the dead." I said before going into the knife drawer and checking how many sharp knives we had. I took them out and placed them on the bench.

"Have you been watching too much TV again?" My dad asked as he scrolls through Facebook.

"No! It's on the news, go see!" I pleaded.

My mum goes over to my dad and places a hand on his shoulder. He sighs as he puts down the tablet and they walk into the lounge. I run to my room to grab some paper and a pen. I need to write down what supplies we have. I run back to the kitchen and go through the cupboards. Writing down everything that is a non-perishable and placing it on the table. Two-minute noodles, canned foods, nuts and dried fruit, dried cereal, granola, and protein bars. It is probably enough for a few days for my mum, dad, sister, brother, and me.

I hear a gasp come from the lounge. It sounds like my mother. She has probably seen something about the dead. I hear muttering come from the lounge as I search in the fridge for anything that won't go off. There are only two bottles of water. I place them on the table and write it down on the paper.

My dad comes back into the kitchen while my mum goes towards my little brother's room.

"They are telling people to stay inside, lock your doors, shut your curtains and keep quiet until further notice. We are not going into town." My dad says as he starts putting away the canned food.

"Dad! Trust me, please! We need to go into town and get more supplies before everything gets worse!" I plead, going to the cupboard and taking out the cans again.

"No Spencer. I am only saying this once. Your mother wants us to stay indoors and be quiet so that's what we are going to do." He angrily grabs the can in my hand before he puts it back into the cupboard. I let out a frustrated groan before stomping off to my room.

Once I get inside I slam my door shut and grab my phone out of my pocket. I see that I have notifications from all the social media platforms I had. All of them talking about what was happening on the news. I text some of my friends asking them if they are all alright. Most of them say they are safe and are staying indoors. Except my best friend, Garth.

To: Gargar
Hey, have you heard the news? You guys aright?

From: Gargar
Yeah, we're all good. How are you guys?

To: Gargar
We're fine. Mum is freaking out and wants us to stay indoors. Dad thinks so too. We need to go out and get supplies before things get too bad outside.

From: Gargar
My parents are the same. They want us to stay indoors while this 'blows over'.

To: Gargar
I'm thinking about sneaking out tonight. I was to go to the dairy closest to my house and see if they have any good supplies.

From: Gargar
Can I come too? I want to get some supplies as well. If my parents won't at least go out tomorrow I will come tonight. Lemme just go and see what they say about tomorrow.

To: Gargar
Yeah of course you can! Tell me what your parents say.

From: Gargar
They don't want to go out tomorrow. They say we have enough food in the house to last us a few days, but I don't think this will last that long. What time do you want me to meet you tonight?

To: Gargar
Just text me when you think everyone in your house is asleep and I will text you the same.

From: Gargar
Sweet as. Text ya later. Good luck dude.

To: Gargar
See ya. Good luck to you too.

From: Gargar
Wait, should we bring... you know... a weapon?

To: Gargar
Um... I think we should, but don't bring anything too big or the cashier will freak.

From: Gargar
Okay. See you tonight.

To: Gargar


***Chapter is dedicated to my sister/best friend Zoe!! Love ya!!***

A/N: Heyo, so I am hoping you like this story so far! I have always wanted to write a zombie apocalypse story and now I finally am! I am trying something new by writing short chapters, this way I think I will be able to churn out more content easier, rather than what happened with Children of the Ark where I didn't manage to post weekly because I was writing chapters double the size as these. I did want the messages between Spencer and Garth to be on different sides, but Wattpad is being a butt and won't let me do it :'(

Sorry in advance for me switching between past and present tense. I have always struggled with that, so if you spot any mistakes, please make sure to tell me, and then when I go back and edit the chapters, I can change the mistakes then.

Please vote on this story if you like it! Whenever I see someone voting on my story it always gives me a bit more motivation to keep writing.


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