Chapter 15

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                It was decided that I was going to be the one to place the note for mum, Caleb and Jen to find. We wrote that we are going to go into the town to find a better place to seek refuge. Maybe even find a group. Garth and Lizzie were going to distract the Rats by throwing rocks at the windows in a house a few houses down from our burnt one.

                Once the Rats had left, I would place the note somewhere and then run to the dairy which would be our meeting place. Garth and Lizzie would travel through backyards to get away from the Rats without being seen and would meet me at the dairy.

                Garth gave me his bat because he felt that it would be best for me to have a better weapon than a knife. Both he and Lizzie found some knives in other houses to use as weapons. We were about to leave when Garth remembered something.

                "Wait. I will be right back." He said, and he ran upstairs.

                He came back down about a minute later and saw that he was holding a revolver in his hand. It was the one from the man who killed himself.

                "We only use this in case of an emergency." He said. "I found more bullets in their bedside drawers." He tucked the small box into his pocket.

                Garth shut the door behind him and we all walked out the gate together. We were constantly on guard. Staying away from dark areas where anything could be hiding and staying in the middle of the road. We go down the hill and when we reach the bottom, we head towards our house, but we stay behind the back fences. Just in case.

                We make it to our house and the smell of burnt flesh and smoke still lingers. I try not to make any noise as I gag from the smell. It's still and intense smell. Even after a week. I lift my shirt up to cover my nose and it blocks out most of the stench. Garth and Lizzie signal to me that they are leaving to go a few houses down.

                I watch as they move down four houses before jumping the fence. Once they are out of my sight do I start to feel scared. I hate being alone, but it needs to be done. Two people can make more noise than one person. All I can hear are the groans and grunts coming from the Rats that are on the other side of the fence. I slowly peak my head of the top of the fence, so I can see how many Rats there are.

                There are about twenty of them wandering around in the remains of the house and there are more out on the street.

                I almost jump when I hear the first crashing noise. They had started to throw stones at the windows of a house. All the Rats suddenly stood still and their heads all turned towards the noise. They slowly started to make their way towards where they thought the noise was coming from.

                When there was the second crash, they all swarmed towards the noise. Making their weird yell-groaning sound as they moved off to kill whatever was making the noise. I heard another two crashes before I was confident that the Rats were far enough away from me for me to safely place the note.

                I quickly hopped the fence. My heart was pounding. I had to find a spot and fast or the Rats might notice me. I run around the remains of the house to the mailbox out the front. I slip it inside, leaving it out a small amount. Enough to be noticed if someone walked past. Hopefully those people would be either mum, Caleb, or Jen.

                When I turned around to run to the dairy, I saw that the Rats were swarming the house in a frenzy. They were banging and throwing themselves onto the walls trying to get into the house. I took off running in the direction of the dairy. The bat that I was carrying was awkward to run with and I felt that my feet were making lots of noise as I ran. If I could get as far away from the Rats as fast as I could, I was happy.

                My feet were pounding on the tarmac of the road, my breathing getting harder and faster by the second. Fear was propelling me towards the dairy. I was just hoping that there was no Rats inside. If I could make it to the dairy safely, I would be happy. If Lizzie and Garth make it to the dairy safely as well, I would be even happier.

                I take a chance and slow down a bit to look behind me. I could see about four Rats chasing after me. Again, fear made me run faster than I thought I ever could. I was a bit malnourished and thirsty, but I still seemed to be outrunning the Rats. Seeing people with black and red blood stains on them, teeth snapping as they frantically run after you is a terrifying sight. I just had to make sure that they wouldn't see me run into the dairy and that they would run past.

                I was half a block away from the dairy and I was already tiring out. I was getting slower and slower. My legs hurt like hell, but I kept pushing. I had to make it to the dairy. Thankfully the entrance to the dairy was facing away from the Rats, so I would be able to pretend to run around the corner, but sneak into the dairy. Without the Rats noticing.

                I was about twenty metres from the dairy and I could hear the Rats behind me. Making their yelling-groaning noise, gargling noises, and their feet as they hit the ground. I finally reach the dairy and quickly run inside, shutting the door behind me as quietly and as quickly as I could. But once the door was shut, the dairy was dark, and I couldn't see anything. If there were any Rats in here. Now would be the best time to get me.


A/N: Heyoo!!!! I wonder if Spencer's mum, Jen, or Caleb will find the note? What do you think will happen now? Do you think Lizzie and Garth will make it to the dairy? Will one of the die!? Or will both of them die!? Will Spencer be left on his own!? WHO KNOWS!! OH THAT'S RIGHT... I DO!!!

I have officially finished high school! It's exciting yet also terrifying! I've started getting ideas for a second book (Yes there will be a second book!!). This book is going to be about 25-30 chapters before I start the second book. I am currently writing Chapter 22, sooo I'm getting close!! ALSO WE HIT 150 READS!!! THATS SO FREAKING AMAZING GUYS!!! 50 READS IN LIKE 3 DAYS!!!

Anyways, please vote and comment and stuff, I'm greedy and like to seethe notifications when someone likes or comments on my story!

Happy reading!


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