Chapter 10

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"So, what are somethings that you want to do now that the world is over?" Garth asks me.

"Well, I can't think of anything that won't attract a load of Rats." I think hard, trying to think of something fun to do that won't cause our deaths.

"Yeah that is something you need to consider. You can't exactly set out heaps of bowling pins and see how many you can knock over without making a lot of noise." I chuckle at the thought of him bowling a ball towards hundreds of pins set out.

"That would be fun though."

"Yes, it would. But you know what would be better?"

"What?" I ask. What could be better than bowling hundreds of bowling pins?

"Filling a house full of those plastic balls in ball pits." He's right. It is better.

"You're right. That would be awesome! Too bad it's a zombie apocalypse and not some virus that kills people and they stay dead."

"Oh well. I guess we are stuck with the living dead. Lucky us am I right?"

"Yeah, lucky us."

Garth and I just stay lying on my bed in silence. We can't think of anything else to talk about, but I am happy that I have managed to cheer him up. I don't like seeing him sad. It just doesn't feel right, and it doesn't suit him to be sad. But everyone is sad at some point in their lives. We are lucky that none of our families have died yet. And I hope it stays that way. For all our sake.

Garth is a great friend and I will admit at one point in my life, I did have feelings for him. The 'I want to be more than friends' feeling, but I have never told him this because I know that he will never feel the same way. He's had as many girlfriends as the years I've been alive. And that's seventeen. I've had no relationships. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Single for seventeen years. Something I will never lose now that the world has ended. But the apocalypse is not a time where you should worry about being single or not.

Garth was staring at the ceiling, drifted off to some distant world thinking about something very interesting. Possibly if his girlfriend is alive or not. Or maybe he is thinking about how this new world will suit him. Will he survive? Will his family survive? Who knows?

We have yet to meet more survivors. Not that we have been outside a lot. Today was the only day we have been outside since it all started. The rest of the day passed by uneventful. We ate lunch, kept silent, kept away from the windows, ate dinner before it got too dark and then we all went off and did our own things.

There isn't much to do once it is dark. The power went out yesterday, so we can't turn the lights on anyway. We have to rely on torches and candles to light up the house, but not too much to attract any Rats.

I heard a light knock on my door. I was trying to read a book by candlelight, but my mind kept wandering off. I put my book down and open the door and I see Garth is standing there.

"Would it be alright if I slept in your room tonight? We haven't had a sleepover for a while." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Sure, why not? You'll need bring your mattress though. I'm not helping you." He huffs in annoyance and stalks off to get his mattress. He pretends to stomp as he walks but he stays as silent as possible.

I lay back down on my bed and wait for him to come back with the mattress. Usually I'm a nice person and would help him move the mattress, but sometimes I like to play with him and make him do all the work.

Soon Garth comes back in dragging the mattress along the ground and the sheets draped over his head as if it was his hair. He grunts as he tries to get the mattress through the doorway while trailing the sheets. He eventually, and awkwardly, puts the mattress down and then puts the sheets down on top. He leaves the room and comes back with his blankets and pillows.

I still sit on my bed as I watch him make his bed. Painstakingly slowly. He struggles to put on the cover sheet, then struggles to put the covers on the pillows, and he can't seem to put blankets on his bed properly.

"You're almost eighteen, how can you still not make a bed properly?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Shush, you." He says as he finally finishes making his bed and lays down on it.

"When was the last time we had a sleepover?" I ask.

"I think it was when we were fourteen. We went to Kayla's house for her birthday party. For a fourteenth birthday party it got pretty rowdy, so we left, and you stayed at my house." Kayla was one of the 'cool kids' back then, but she moved to another city and nobody heard anything from her once she moved. Just talking about her party made me shiver.

"Oh god, I remember it now. I still don't understand why some parents let their kids have alcohol that young. I know my mum said, 'No drinking Spencer or I will beat your ass when you get home.' But I did have one or two drinks. I think. I remember drinking something that Kayla gave me, and I still have no idea what it was." What can I say? I was a rebellious child.

"Bullcrap! You stayed away from any signs of alcohol possible! When Kayla came up to you with that drink, you ran away from her! You were too scared of what your mum said to drink anything but water! I had to drag you to go to that party." He's right. I was the most antisocial person in the world. Luckily my social skills have improved since then, but I still mostly try to not go to anywhere without taking a friend or two.

"Why do you always make me sound so boring? Can't you at least pretend that I was cool now that the world is over?" I whine.

"Nope, now that the world is over, I can tell whoever I like!" He says with a cocky grin and I groan in annoyance.

"I'm going to sleep now." I say trying to sound like I was really pissed off, and I blow out the candles.

"Good night Spence." He says as we climb under the covers of our beds, and I give him a grunt in return. But now that the dark is hiding me, I smile. And drift off to sleep.


A/N: So for the ship name for Spencer and Garth, should it be Gencer or Sparth? Or are there any other ideas??

This was kind of a filler chapter, but also some development with the relationship between Spencer and Garth. I'm not really sure what else to say....

If you have any ideas for what could happen in the future of this book, or even other book ideas, feel free to message me or comment. Please please vote if you enjoyed the chapter. Whenever I see people voting and commenting on my story it always motivates me to write more.

Anyways, happy reading!


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