Chapter 7

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Thankfully none of the Rats managed to get into our house. I think they skipped us all together. They probably thought that no one was home. We had all the curtains drawn, doors locked, and we stayed silent, only speaking in quiet whispers.

                With Garth's food and water that he brought, we had enough for a week if we had rationed it properly, but Caleb and Jacob were both complaining that they were hungry, so we had to give them some of our portions, so they would stop complaining. The food only lasted four days.

                Garth, my dad and I were the ones who had to go out on a food run. We would only go to neighbouring houses and check for any canned goods, and possibly any other survivors. We only had my dad's air rifle which needed to be reloaded after every shot, so we needed to stick to using bats and knives. Garth grabs his bat, my dad has the air rifle and our bat, and I have a knife. We all carry empty back packs to carry any supplies we find.

                I give my mum a quick hug before we leave out the back door. We don't want to draw any attention to our house, so going around the back and leaping over fences to the houses next door will be the way we travel. It's the safest way and we stay off the road.

                Once we have all said short goodbyes, we leave. Only talking if necessary. Staying as quiet as possible because the Rats seem to be attracted to noise. I'm the last one out the door and I silently shut it behind me. I know that my mum is going to be stressing the whole time we are gone. Worried about the chance that we might not come back.

                We decide that we would go to the neighbours to the left and work our way down the block then come straight back. Luckily, the fence is high enough for us to easily jump over, but we can't be too sure with any of the other fences. My dad climbs over first, then I go next, and Garth follows me. I can tell that my dad wants to use the gun, but I told him that it's best to use the bat unless there is too many of them. Plus, it's a one-shot-then-reload gun, so it's a bit of a hassle.

                We all give each other a quick nod to show that we are alright before we move towards the house. We cautiously walk up to the back door and my dad tries the door handle. It doesn't budge. He puts his ear to the door and we all stay still for a few seconds before he motions to move to the next house. There must be a Rat inside. Don't want to risk running into it while trying to get supplies.

                We hop over the next fence and see that the next door is wide open. We all get our weapons ready and silently walk in.

                It's eerily quiet inside. My dad looks at me and uses his head to point towards the kitchen. I shake my head and then point to each of us. Hoping that he gets the message that we should stick together. He nods his head and we move towards the kitchen slowly. Our eyes scanning anything for any signs of movement. Our weapons poised.

                We make it to the kitchen and the first thing we see is blood. Blood is smeared all over the floor and on the counters. It stinks. I cover my nose with my free arm as we walk towards their cupboards. The blood seems fresh, so we take careful steps so that we don't slip over. But fresh blood means there is danger nearby. And I'm guessing it's a Rat.

                I can see that there is slight fear on Garth and my dad's faces. My dad nods his head in the direction of the cupboards and I go over to them. Opening them slowly. Garth and my dad stand watching the two entrances to the kitchen. I quickly and quietly put cans of food into the bag. I don't bother checking what they are, I just grab them and put them in my bag. Making sure that I don't make too much noise.

                I go over to the fridge and open it. I find two bottles of water inside, so I put them in my bag and tap on my dad and Garth's shoulders to let them know that we can move to the next house. I think we were all too afraid to check the rest of the house for any more supplies and I am perfectly fine with that. I don't want to run into any Rats. We safely exit the house and we all let out a sigh of relief. We had made it out of one house.

                "Are you two okay to keep moving on?" My dad asks us in a quiet voice and we nod in return. We couldn't let him do this one his own.

                We jump over the next fence and make our way to the backdoor. It's locked. My dad puts his ear to the door to see if he can hear anything on the other side. I see him frown before he raises his hand to the door and knocks on it. He stands back from the door and gets his bat poised. I can see that Garth is confused as well, so we both poise our weapons too just in case.

                We stand there in silence. I was just about to put my knife down when there was a loud bang against the door. It scared the hell out of me, I almost dropped my knife. My dad shook his head and motioned for us to go to the next house over. The Rat inside the house was smashing itself against the door. Sending loud thuds alerting anything nearby where we were.

                We hurried over to the next fence, but this one was too tall for us to climb over. Garth and my dad both got on their knees and held out the hands for me to step onto them, so they could hoist me over. I place one of my feet on their hands and as they lift with their hands, I use my other leg to push up from the ground. My arms clear the top of the fence and I quickly hoist one of my legs over, so I am straddling the fence.

                I was about to hook my other leg over and jump down off the fence, but I felt something grab my foot and pull me off the fence. But it wasn't the side Garth and my dad were on.


A/N: Wooo Chapter Seven!!! How are you liking the story so far? What do you think pulled Spencer over the fence? Do you think they will meet any other survivors on their supply run?

I've decided to post every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until the end of November!

I hope you guys are liking the story so far. I am enjoying writing it. It's the 25th of October when I finished writing this chapter and by the time it is posted, I would have finished high school and would doing my final final exams. So sad. But next year I will be off to university!! Which will be fun!

Thank you so much for reading, please vote if you liked the chapter. Comment what you think will happen next, or if you like the story or not. Oh and go follow me so that you know when I post new stories and new chapters and stuff.


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