Chapter 17

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We stayed up quietly whispering to each other in the dark. Moonlight was coming in through the big windows, but it was a cloudy night so there wasn't a lot of light coming in. I once heard that people tend to confess more when you can't see who you're talking to. That's why at sleepovers, people tend to spill their secrets easier.

Garth was sitting next to the window; my head was rested in his lap and Lizzie was lying down with her head on my stomach.

"I'm not tired enough to sleep, but there isn't anything to do." I mutter.

"Apocalypse-world problems, right?" Garth said earning a chuckle from both Lizzie and me.

"Anyone want to spill their deepest darkest secrets?" Lizzie asked, and I felt Garth shift uncomfortably.

"Does Gargar have something to hide?" I asked, and Lizzie sat up eager to find out if Garth was hiding something.

"No." He said flatly, but I could hear a tiny hint of fear in his voice. I heard Lizzie gasp quietly, she must have heard it too.

"You are hiding something! Tell us! Tell us! Tells us!" Lizzie begged.

"I'm not hiding anything!" Garth said defensively.

"We know that you are, Gargar. Just let it spill. We won't judge." I said and quickly added, "Much."

"I'm not telling you guys anything." Garth said practically admitting that he was hiding something.

"We'll tell you a secret of ours too." Lizzie suggested.

"Um... thanks for asking me first." I complained. Maybe I didn't want to tell Garth or Lizzie one of my secrets. Lizzie sighs in response.

"Fine. But you two have to say yours first." Garth said.

"Wha-... fine." Lizzie gave in.

"Sure, I guess." I replied.

"I'll go first." Lizzie said, "I have had three boyfriends... and one girlfriend before the apocalypse started. And I kept them all a secret." My jaw dropped.

"What the heck! You're literally fourteen and you've had more relationships than me." I said shocked.

"I'm fifteen." She deadpanned.

"I know, I was kidding." I chuckled.

"Your turn, Spence." Lizzie said happily.

I try to think of a secret, but nothing seems to come to mind. I only have two big-ish secrets. The first is that I like guys, and the second is that I liked, possibly still like, Garth.

"I once stole a book and a pen from a stationery shop. I went back and paid for them though." I said.

"That's barely a secret! You even went back and paid for them." Lizzie laughed.

"You're such a goody-good." Garth teased.

"It doesn't matter. I told you a secret and now it's Garths turn." I said with some annoyance in my voice. There is a bit of silence before Garth tells us his secret.

"A lot of my relationships I've had are to gain popularity. I don't normally like the girls I date." Woah... getting into the deep stuff quick.

"That's... deep." Lizzie said, voicing my thoughts.

"Well may as well get the interesting stuff flowing early." Garth said shrugging his shoulders.

"Why not?" I said, "Lizzie, you wanna share a deep secret?" I ask.

"Hmm... I don't really have a deep secret. I'm only fifteen so, deal with it." Lizzie said. "Do you have any Spence?"

I debate in my head whether to tell them. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell them... right? But what if they are homophobes? What if they want nothing to do with me after I tell them? No, they are my best friend and sister, they can't just stop liking me because I like guys... right?

"I- ", A lump in my throat forms, stopping me from speaking. "I like guys." I say quietly, but enough for them to hear me.

I feel my face heat up instantly. Both Garth and Lizzie stay silent. Then I heard Lizzie sigh.

"I already knew that." Lizzie pouted, "Why couldn't you have said something less obvious?"

"Wh- what do you mean less obvious?" I felt offended.

"It's obvious that you're gay." She replied.

"I don't like being called gay." I said quietly.

"Why not?" Garth asked.

"Because I've been bullied because I was 'gay' even though I didn't know myself. I've grown up being teased and bullied because of it, so calling myself gay still feels like an insult. I know that being gay isn't a bad thing... but there is a part inside of me that accepts the fact that I like guys, but I don't like being called 'gay'." It was a big thing to get off my chest.

"I'm sorry." I heard Garth mumble.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask, confused.

"Because of all the gay jokes I've made while being around you." He says and even though it is dark, I can still see his face turn red.

"It's okay. I knew they were only jokes and they weren't aimed at me, so it's fine." I said.

"I don't understand how I didn't realise. I just saw you as Spencer, my best friend, and not as Spencer, my gay best friend, and I still see you that way." Garth said, and I felt a bit emotional after what he said.

"I think it's time for me to go to sleep now. I'm feeling tired." Lizzie said after she yawned.

"I'll take first watch." Garth said as Lizzie went over to her make-shift bed.

"Wake me up at one, so you can get some sleep. I'll wake Lizzie up at four." I said, and I sat up and went over to my bed.

I laid down and pulled some suits over me as a blanket. I could see Garth sitting by the window. His silhouette staring out the window. The clouds parted, and moonlight streamed in through the window. Illuminating Garth's face. It was in this moment that I realised that I still liked Garth. He would always have a special place in my heart. Whether he stays with me or not.

I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep.



So, I am back to uploading every Wednesday and Saturday now that it's December. Anyways, what did you think of this chapter? Did you like it? Did you hate it? I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this chapter since it is a coming out chapter for Spencer, it more of a chapter to add in some information and develop the relationships a bit.

I was also thinking of starting a blog, where I post some short stories, experiences I have at University and other stuff. Would you follow it if I did? Do you think it's a good idea? Do you have any other ideas of stuff that I could write about on it?

I hope you liked the chapter. Please keep voting and commenting and stuff because you're all awesome!


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