Chapter 4

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Garth and I quickly look towards the counter that we were so close to. I bring my knife out with a death grip on it. My knuckles were white and my hands were slightly shaking. My heart beat was getting faster and faster. Would this be the first time we encounter one of those things? When everything stayed quiet, we slowly lower out knives and back away from the counter.

"Maybe we should leave." I whisper to Garth.

"Hello!" We hear someone say and it gives both Garth and I a fright. Both of us bring up our knives. The woman behind the counter screams. I scream. Garth doesn't.

"HELP! I AM BEING ROBBED!" The lady yells out.

"No no no! Ma'am, we aren't robbing you." Garth says in a quiet panicked voice.

"Oh. How may I help you then?" She asks in a calm tone, as if she wasn't just screaming.

Confused, Garth and I have no idea how to answer.

"Well? If you're not going to answer, leave or buy something please." She says with a smile.

"We... will just look around." Garth says. I am still stunned and he grabs my arm, takes two baskets and takes me to one of the far sides of the dairy.

"What the heck just happened..." I mutter as I take one of the baskets as he searches the shelves for things to buy.

"I have no clue. But hurry up and get some stuff. Something probably heard you guys screaming." He says with a small chuckle at the end. I whack him on the head with my fist. "Ow! What the heck was that for?"

"Making fun of me. I was a scary situation okay!" He just laughs again at my comment.

I give him a huff and look at the shelves. All the food and lollies are on this side of the store. All the drinks and dairy stuff are on the other side. I get some packets of two-minute-noodles, a few packets of peanuts, some dried fruits, five packs of crackers, cans of spaghetti, soup and just random cans off the shelf, though I made sure they weren't pet food. I saw that Garth had finished with the food and was now down the other side by the drinks. I also grabbed a block of chocolate off the shelf. Who knows when the next time I will get to have some chocolate.

I was just about to head over to the drinks area when the ding of the bell from the entrance rang out. I whipped my head around to see who had just come in.

It was one of those things.

The thing was a woman. Her throat had been ripped out and blood was all over her face, neck and torso. Her half bloody face darting around, trying to sniff out whoever had attracted her. I almost gagged at the sight, but I stood frozen. Staring right at her.

"Hello! How may I- ", the woman at the counter's words were cut off by her screaming. The thing growled before it ran at the woman. She screamed again and I heard a door slam shut before there was another slam as the thing ran into the door. It started banging on the door. Throwing itself at the door. Trying to smash its way through to its prey.

I still couldn't move. I was too shocked to do anything. I couldn't look away from the snarling, bloody mess that was once a woman. The constant sound of it throwing itself against the door. Letting out a gurgled yell, it started smashing its head against the door. I couldn't tell if the door was cracking or if it was the things skull.

My hands were sweating like crazy and I didn't notice that the basket was slowly slipping out of my grip until it was too late. The basket slipped out and landed on the floor with a thud. Then everything was silent. I looked over at Garth who also stood frozen. All I could hear was my accelerating heartbeat. I was holding my breath in fear of attracting the thing.

I heard the sniffing and gurgling coming closer to me. Maybe if I didn't move the thing wouldn't find me. It came around the corner and I could see it up close. I very slowly started to back away from it. Each time I took a step, it snapped its head in a different direction. Sniffing the air. Hunting me.

It was slowly making its way closer to me. And I backed up too far and knocked over one of the cans with my backpack. Its head whipped towards me. I stared right into its dead eyes as it let out a gurgled scream as it started to run towards me.

Then was a sudden loud bang. The things head exploded. Black thick blood, bits of its head and brain splattered everywhere. I let out a shocked yelp as the blood and bits landed on my face. Thankfully, none of it landed in my mouth or eyes.

I stood there shocked.

I couldn't move.

It wasn't until I saw Garth's face in front of mine did I finally break down. I took in the deep breath that I was holding in. I was so shocked that tears didn't even come. I couldn't stop shaking. I crumpled to my knees and stared at the woman's dead body.

I could have died.

Maybe my parents were right. We should stay inside until this blows over.

Garth wraps his arm around my shoulder and he helps me back up. The woman from behind the counter, Garth and another man were all talking. All I could hear was muffled sounds. What I did notice was that the man had a shotgun.

Someone grabbed the basket I had dropped and I was lead out of the dairy. I was in a daze as I was lead back to my house. The man with the shotgun accompanied Garth and I. When I made it back to my house, the door flew open and my mum ran outside. She gathered me in her arms and gave me a bone crushing hug. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but the second I was in her arms I knew I was safe.

I broke down crying. I was not prepared for the life that is to come.


A/N: Wooooo, some action! Finally am I right! Spencer thought that he was prepared for the life of surviving in a zombie apocalypse, but it looks like he might not be. Though in order to survive, he must become stronger both physically and mentally.

What do you think Spencer will do now that he almost died? How will his parents react once they get Spencer to start talking?

And another thing I would like to know... are you liking my story? Please comment or vote if you are :D


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