Chapter 22

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We took a quick detour into the third floor to try to find a Rat. Thankfully it was day, so we were able to see if there was anything on this floor. We did a quick sweep and found three Rats total. All were separated from each other. I motioned for Garth and Lizzie to come over where the Rats won't be able to hear us, but Garth wanders off towards the Rats.

With a strong swing, the bat connects with the first Rats head and it crumples to the ground. Garth brings the bat up again and swipes it, forcing the blood to come off it with a small splat. Both the two other Rats had noticed Garth by now. One screeched and ran at Garth while the other sniffed around more, trying to figure out where he is.

He doesn't even flinch as it threw itself at him. He swung the bat upwards, nailing the Rat on its chin. It falls to the floor and Garth slams the bat down on the Rats head. The end of the bat now dripping with black blood.

The third and final Rat has decided to run at him now. Just before the Rat reaches Garth, he ducks down and swings the bat out, knocking the Rat onto its back. He stomps his foot on the throat of the Rat, restricting it from getting back up again. He swings down with the bat, moving his foot at the last second. He slams it down on the Rats head again. And again. And again. Black blood spraying all over his face and clothes.

He is slightly panting when he straightens himself out. He wipes the black, sticky black blood from his bat onto his shirt, putting a great black smear on it.

"Let's get started." He says as he pulls out his knife and stabs it into the stomach of the last Rat he killed.

Lizzie and I look at each other in both confusion and fear. We slowly walk over to Garth and the, officially dead, Rats. By the time we make it over, Garth is already digging around in the guts, smearing it over his clothes.

Lizzie and I take out our knifes and cut open a Rat each. A putrid stench was released once the cut had opened. I hesitantly reached my hand in. It was warm and sticky inside. I grab onto something and pull it out with a sickening squelch. I'm holding part of its intestines.

I almost throw up as I drop the intestines back in the cut. I grab my knife and move it back and forth inside the Rats stomach, mushing up its insides. The squelching noises it makes is disgusting. Pretend its mac 'n' cheese. Pretend its mac 'n' cheese. Pretend its mac 'n' cheese. I say to myself.

I shut my eyes as I reach inside again, this time its warm and gooey. But not the nice kind of gooey. I can feel the chunks. I cup my hands inside the black gooey mess and scoop out a bunch of it. I slowly bring it to my chest. I can feel some spill out of my hands, and I can hear the small chunks hitting the ground with a small splat.

I had to take off my jacket to put on the Rats insides, so I could feel the black blood seeping through my shirt as I smeared it around. I look up at Garth and see that he has finished covering himself. He gets up and comes over to me.

He dips his hands in the guts and brings it out. He slaps it onto my back, earning a gasp. It wasn't cold, it just felt gross. Like someone is spreading the dog food that has the meat chunks in it over my back. By the time we are all finished, we were covered in blood. We even put it on our faces to try to hide any bit of skin. Just in case.

We walk down to the ground floor as slowly and as quietly as we could. There were Rats all through the ground floor, the doors had been destroyed and they must have streamed in. I could feel my hands start shaking from the nerves. I gripped tightly onto my knife, clutching it to my chest as we slowly made our way towards the grumbling Rats. Praying that the blood would mask us. And it did.

Being up close and personal with the Rats is a terrifying thing to do. You could smell their decaying bodies. Seeing their faces up close, seeing their pale skin, their dead eyes, the blood either on their mouths or on a wound. We slowly shuffled our way through the crowd. Moving with gentle movements, so to not bump into other Rats.

I could see Garth through the crowd, not that far in front of me. I knew that Lizzie was somewhere behind us. If any of us made any sudden movements, there was a high chance we would all die trying to save each other. Knowing that at any second, these Rats could realise that we weren't one of them and attack us was what kept me moving. I can't be sure about the others.

I noticed that the Rats were starting to thin out. We were following Garth, so we had no idea where we were going to go next. We don't have a plan. Maybe we would hole up in another building for a few weeks? Maybe we would just keep moving around? We don't know.

We reached the edge of the hoard. I wanted to run out of there, but the Rats would surely notice and would be after us in a second. There were still quite a few Rats littered over the surrounding streets, so we weren't safe yet. Garth kept us walking though, even when there weren't any Rats in sight, he kept leading us somewhere. Lizzie was now walking next to me and was holding my hand. I still had my knife clutched in my other hand.

I don't know if Garth thought we were far away enough from the hoard, or if he just tired of walking, but we entered a building. We were safe for now.


A/N: SUPPITY SUP SUP. HOW ARE Y'ALL DOING?!? I hope you all had a great holidays!

Garth is showing a darker side of himself... I wonder if he will become darker or if he will go back to being the Garth at the start?

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. If you don't celebrate christmas, I hope you had a good day anyway. And I wish everyone a happy new year!! There might be one more post this year, but I have friends coming over during the New Years period, so there is a chance I might forget to post. But hopefully I will remember!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment and stuff! I love knowing that people like to read what I write XD

Happy reading!


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