Chapter 3

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I laid there for five hours. Thinking about everything wrong that could happen tonight. Being alone with your thoughts in the dark is not fun. I always tend to drift off into the scary and bad situations that make everything worse. I jump slightly as I heard the quiet tone of my phone alarm go off. I quickly reach over and turn it off before it wakes anyone up.

I check my notifications to see that Garth has texted me.

From: Gargar
Everyone in my house is asleep. I'm ready to go when you are.

From: Gargar
Dude, you there?

To: Gargar

Yeah, sorry I wasn't looking at my phone. Lemme just go and check to see if everyone is asleep.12:00am

From: Gargar

                I get up out of bed and slowly open my door. I peek into my brother's room and see that he is fast asleep. I go further down the hallway and see that there is only one body in my parent's bed. I turn around and start sneaking towards the lounge. Making sure to avoid the creaky floorboards. The candles are still lit in the lounge. I can see my dad sitting on the couch reading a book, so I go back to my room.

To: Gargar

My dad is still awake. Not sure for how much longer though.

From: Gargar
Okay, text me when he is asleep. Hopefully he won't be too long.

To: Gargar
Will do.

It wasn't for another half an hour until my dad went to bed. I heard his footsteps as he walked to his room. I decided to wait for another half an hour until I knew for sure that my dad would be asleep. Even though he was one of those people who fell asleep quickly, I had to make sure.

I sent a text to Garth telling him that my dad was asleep and that I was going to wait outside for him. He sent a reply saying that he was on his way. I get the knife out from underneath my pillow and put it in my belt. I take my jacket off the chair and put it on. I did a quick check to make sure everyone was still asleep then shut my bedroom door behind me. I open my window and stick my head out to see if there was anyone or anything there.

Satisfied with the fact nothing was there, I dropped my bag out the window and then climbed out after it. I pushed my window shut as far as I could so I would still be able to get in once I am back. If not then I will have to find the key to the backdoor and go in that way. I slip the bag onto my shoulders and I make my way around to the front of the house. Just as I get there, I hear footsteps coming down the street.

I crouch down to the side of the gate so that I am hidden from anyone walking past. I know that there is a high chance that it is Garth, but I need to be one-hundred-percent sure that it is him. I hear the person coming closer to my house. I try to look through the gaps in the fence, but since the street lights are out, it makes it harder to see. The person starts walking along my fence when I hear them stop outside the gate. I grip the knife in my hand tighter.

There are two soft knocks on my gate and I know that I can calm down. I knock back twice on the gate before standing up, seeing my best friend Garth on the other side. We knock twice on the gate so that we can tell the other person that it is us there and not some random stranger trying to get into their house.

Garth's striking blue eyes stand out from underneath his black hoodie. He has the hood up making him look a bit creepy standing there in the moonlight. Since he is a few centimetres taller than me it makes him a bit more intimidating. I silently open the gate and slip through.

"You ready?" I whisper to him.

He gives me a nod and a smile in return. "Do you have money? I don't really feel like robbing the guy at the dairy." He says quietly.

"Yeah, if I have my phone, I have my card." I say with a small laugh. "You should know that by now." He smiles again and I put my hands in my jacket pockets. I still had the knife in my hand, so I quickly tucked it away in my belt.

We walk in silence for a bit before I hear him clear his throat quietly. "So, have you seen any of those... um... things?"

"No. Only online. You?" I reply, taking a quick look around making sure that there was no one near us.

"Same. Only online." I can see out of the corner of my eye that he is fidgeting with the knife he brought.

"Are you okay?" I stop walking and turn to him? "You seem quite nervous. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

                "Nah, I'm fine. I'm a little nervous, but how can you not be." We start walking again, "We are walking around outside, in the dark where any of those monsters can come out of hiding and eat us."

"Yeah." I sigh. What he just said made me quite nervous. Maybe even a little scared. "Wait! The power's out! The dairy won't even be open!"

"The lights are on up by where the dairy is, so I think we will be fine." He says pointing to the left, above the dark houses where there was a glow coming from the street lights.

"Oh." I mutter.

We are almost at the dairy when Garth notices something.

"Dude. Look over there. At that house." He whispers and crouches slightly.

I look across the road and there was a house with their door wide open. Why is their door open? Did one of those things make it in their house? Are... are they dead? Garth starts to walk over to the house.

"Oh hell no." I say as I grab his shoulder and pull him back next to me. "We are not going there tonight. You can go in the morning or when it is light, but there is no way in hell I am going over there now."

He gives me a sad look and an "Okay" and we walk the rest of the way to the dairy. About twenty metres till we reach the dairy, the street lights in our area turn back on.

"Thank god." I mutter.

We finally make it to the dairy and we go inside. The familiar ding of the bell rings as we walk in. Everything is quiet inside. I put my hand on the handle of my knife and I see Garth doing the same. We slowly walk forward, checking down the two short isles on each side to make sure nothing is there. We almost reach the counter when we hear something.


***Chapter is dedicated to @Kotkoda for being the third person to vote on my story! Thank you soo much :D***

A/N: Heyyy! So so sorry I forgot to upload this at 9am NZST, great start to my new story!!! I am doing NaNoWriMo this year, is anyone else doing it? I wanna knowwww!!!

It feels so weird writing short chapters, but I feel like I am producing better content for you all. A small bit of action will be happening in the next chapter, hopefully... I thought it would be happening in this chapter, but I'm a bit off on judging when things will happen now XD

What do you think Spencer and Garth heard? Is there anyone or anything in the dairy?

(I really hope I haven't written dairy as diary on accident anywhere...)

Please vote, it means a lot to me when you do :)


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