Chapter 13

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I woke up to the curtains letting in a lot of light. I slowly open my tired eyes. I look around the room I was in confused. This isn't my room? Suddenly, I realised how sore my hands, legs, and feet were. All the memories from last night came flooding back to me. I slept so deeply that I thought it had to have been a dream. But it wasn't.

                Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I thought about what happened. I blinked rapidly to stop them from spilling. My throat had a lump in it as I laid there. I tried to swallow it, but it didn't leave.  That's when I remembered that Garth was in bed with me when I fell asleep, but he's not in here anymore.

                I slowly get up out of the bed. All my limbs were sore and stiff. I winced when I put my right foot on the ground. I sat back down on the bed and lifted my foot up, so it was resting on my knee, so I could inspect the wound on my foot. It wasn't anything too bad, there was a small circular bruise on the bottom of my foot from where I must have stood on a sharp rock or branch. I gingerly touched it and winced when I felt a sharp pain, even though I had only lightly touched it.

                I stood up from the bed again and tried to put as little weight on my foot as possible. I walked over to the door and slowly opened it. As I was opening the door, it made a quiet rustling noise as the bottom of the door rubbed against the carpet. I poked my head out, confused as to where Garth was.

                I check the other rooms upstairs, except for the one with the man's body in it. I almost gag again just thinking about it. I slowly go towards the stairs. My footfalls are almost silent. I peek over the edge of the rails to see if I can see anyone or anything moving around downstairs. But the whole house is silent.

                I was half way down the stairs when I realised that I still didn't have a weapon. I don't know why I was being so cautious. I couldn't hear anything in the house, which means that I was probably alone. But that means that Garth isn't in the house as well. I turn around and climb back up the stairs. Staying upstairs for now would be the safest option. There is only one way up here and that is up the stairs.

                I sit down behind the railing and watch the front door from upstairs. I can't see that backdoor, but I'm sure that I will be able to hear if something comes in. If someone, or something, does come in and it isn't Garth, I will have to climb out one of the windows in the rooms and hope that I get out safely.

                I sat there in silence for half an hour. Watching and listening. There had been a lot of Rats when the house was on fire. I think that they must be attracted to any signs of life. Maybe even the stench of humans will attract them.

                I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard the click of the door open. I instantly flattened myself against the ground, only peeking my eyes so I could see the door. Making sure that if they looked up at the second floor, they wouldn't see me. The first person who came in through the door I instantly recognised. It was Garth. I slowly stood up, keeping my eye on the door and saw a second person come through. It was Lizzie.

                I sighed to myself in relief. I was glad Lizzie made it out because we only just got reconnected. When Lizzie shut the door behind her, my heart dropped a little. She was alone which means that she wasn't with anyone else when she got out of the house.

                Lizzie and Garth were quietly muttering to each other and Garth had taken off his backpack. They walk towards what I think is the kitchen. I slowly come down the stairs. It makes light creaking sounds as I descend.

                I walk to the kitchen, but stop before I reach the door.

                "I don't know how he will react when I tell him." I heard Lizzie whisper, but I could hear her clearly from next to the doorway.

                "You've told me, so you need to tell Spence. He should know. It wouldn't be right to keep it from him." Garth replied.

                "What if he has a massive breakdown. He's known to have them when things get too much." Lizzie whispered a bit quieter than before.

                "Lizzie, you have to tell him. Sure, the news hurt me, but we need to stay strong in this world. Trust is key." Garth said.

                "Maybe we should wait to tell him." Lizzie said. I took this chance and walked into the kitchen.

                "Tell who what?" I said pretending as if I hadn't heard that they were talking about me.

                "Noth- ", Lizzie started, but Garth interrupted her.

                "We have something to tell you." I notice that Garth's eyes are red and puffy. Had he been crying? Lizzie gave him a glare. I looked at them both confused.

                "You two aren't dating, are you?" I asked, both of their faces instantly went red. "Cause, I would be fine with that." I quickly added.

                "N-No!" Lizzie spluttered out while Garth just had a shocked look on his face. "That's not what we want to tell you. And we aren't dating." Lizzie put a huge emphasis on the "aren't" just to make sure I knew.

                "Then what is it you have to tell me?" I ask.

                "I- ", Lizzie's voice cracked. She took a breath before continuing. "I think dad is dead."



Anyways, what did you think of the chapter. Do you think that maybe Lizzie and Garth could be dating!!??!?! LARTH, or GIZZIE.... or LIZARTH (kinda sounds like lizard XD) In the next chapter, Lizzie tells the story about what happened the night of the fire. Exciting!!!!!!

Yeah, so please vote and comment and stuff because I love seeing the notifications and it tells me that you actually like my story XD

Anyways, happy reading!


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