Chapter 5

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I couldn't sleep. There was too much going on in my head.

When I got back from the dairy, my parents were freaking out. While I was out, they decided to check on me and my brother. That's when they saw that I wasn't in bed and freaked out. They knew that I was somewhere outside. But they had no idea if any of those things were around. They didn't know if I was safe.

They started throwing questions at me. What were you thinking? Are you okay? What is that black stuff? But I didn't respond. I was still in shock from watching someone's head get blown off and bits of it landing on me. So, they threw the questions at Garth. He answered all the questions. My parents offered for him to stay the night, but he said that he needed to get back to his house. The man with the shotgun was still here, so he said that he will make sure that he gets home safe. I never learnt what his name was.

Seeing someone's head being blown off is not something anyone should have to see. It was there one second and then the next there was bits of it all over the place. My mum sat down with me and a cloth and had washed all the black blood and tears off my face and neck. She left me alone to get changed into my pyjamas. She threw out the clothes that I had been wearing. There was no point in washing them.

When everyone was finally in bed, it was time for some much-needed rest. Except that every time I closed my eyes, I saw the woman's head get blown off. Even though all the blood had been washed off, I could still feel it. I could still hear the gun shot. I could still feel the chunks running down my face. And it wouldn't go away.

I just lay there in the dark, staring at my ceiling. That was when I remembered that my bag had been taken to the kitchen. I never ended up getting any water from the dairy. The food I got was brought here, so at least I managed to get that. My parents didn't understand how important it is to gather supplies before we are forced to hole up. Staying away from all the chaos at the start of the apocalypse is always key. If you can hole yourself up and wait it out for a few weeks, you would be more likely to survive rather than the ones who went out in the middle of it.

But what I'm mostly worried about is my sister. She is trapped at her friends house. There is no way that my parents are going to let anyone go outside anytime soon, even if it is to drive to go and pick up my sister. But she is old enough to handle herself, it's not like she is all by herself. It's my younger brother that I am most worried about. He is only twelve years old and is the most vulnerable out of us all.

But there is no point in thinking about that, what I need to worry about is trying to keep everyone in my family safe. I need to be the one to help guide them through this apocalypse as best I can. Though the zombies in the TV show I was watching moved slowly, the things in our world move as fast as a normal person. Or at least try to.

I call them things because zombies are something from our past. They need a new name, but I'm not sure what suits it yet. It's hard to describe them. They are like rotting attacking... things. I could call them RAT's! Rotting Attacking Things. Perfect. Unless people get them mixed up with the animal rats. Oh well.

I didn't realise it, but I eventually fell asleep. My mind and body were exhausted and they just shut down for the hours while I slept. There wasn't an alarm clock to wake me the next morning because it was a Sunday. I woke up to sunlight streaming in through a small opening between the curtains. Thankfully I was so tired last night that when I finally fell asleep, I didn't dream at all.

I slowly get up out of bed and check the time on my phone. It was midday and I felt my stomach grumble a bit at the thought of food. I go to my curtains to open them and I can hear some kind of background noise happening, which must be coming from the TV when my little brother, Caleb, must be watching his cartoons.

I open the curtains and light comes streaming into my room. I have to squint my eyes and let them adjust for a second. That's when I see what is happening outside my window. I can see people down the end of the street running around. People are jumping on top of other people, but they are too far away for me to actually see what is happening. Could things have really gotten that bad already?

I shut my curtains again and run to the lounge to see my mum and brother sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I see that the curtains are open and rush to go close them all.

"What are you doing? Oh you're finally up!" My mum says as she looks at me from the couch.

Instead of talking to grab the remote off the table and turn off the TV.

"There are those things outside. I think they are down the end of the street, you can see them out my window. Where's dad?" I ask before my mum stands up from the couch.

"He's in the kitchen making lunch." She replied.

"Can you go get him and then meet me in my room?" I say and she nods her head before going to get him.

I walk with Caleb back to my room. I don't dare open the curtains up very far. Just enough to peek out of. I hear my mum and dad walk into my room.

"What is it?" I hear my dad ask.

"Come look, but don't open the curtains too far. Just in case." They come over by the window and look outside.

"Oh my god." I hear my mum whisper.

The Rats have made it further down our street. They seem to be trying to break into people's houses, not that they need to. People are going out of their houses to go and see what all of the ruckus is about and they attract more Rats to them.

We are all distracted by what was happening outside my window when we hear a bang on the door.


A/N: Woooo finished Chapter 5! Sorry that I forgot to upload this yesterday!! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it! I am really happy that I am only doing around 1000 words per chapter instead of 2000 because 2000 was a lot of words and I felt like it was too much for me. But now that I am writing 1000 per chapter, I am finding it a lot easier to churn out content.

So who or what do you think is banging on their door? What do you think will happen when the RAT's come down to Spencer's house? Do you like the fact that he is calling them Rats instead of zombies or things?

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, please vote if you enjoyed the chapter!!! Thank youuu


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