Chapter 19

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We slowly exit the room. Garth makes sure that the two people are still downstairs before he signals to us to run up the stairs. We shut the door with a quiet click before silently making our way over to the stairwell. We shut the door to the stair well behind us. There were separate stairs from the first to second floor, and then the second to fifth floors.

Our feet make tapping noises as we run up the stairs, hoping to get as far away from the two people as fast as we can. We have no idea if they can hear us climbing the stairs in a hurry or not. Each floor, we can hear the Rats pounding away on the doors, so I'm guessing they can't hear us.

We finally make it to the roof. Garth slams the door open and we quickly rush outside. He then shuts the door behind us. Luckily, there are not Rats on the roof. We all look around, trying to find a good escape route.

"What do we do now?" I ask in a whisper. Still afraid that something will be able to hear us.

"We try to make it to another building. We might have to jump some gaps though." Garth said as he started to jog over to the building on the left. This building was taller than the one we were on by a few floors. I now realised that we were going to have to jump onto the fire escape and climb onto the roof of that building.

Lizzie and I jog after Garth. We make it to the edge of the building and I take the chance of looking down below. It was still too dark for me to be able to see anything below us, but I could tell that it was going to be a long drop if we missed.

Garth jumps over the three-foot gap and lands on the edge of the fire escape with a clang. Lizzie then jumps over next, once Garth has climbed over and is climbing up. Once Lizzie climbs over, it's my turn to jump. I jump the gap, trying not to think about it too much and I land on the fire escape safely. I quickly climb over and follow Garth and Lizzie.

I only climb up a few stairs before I heard the door to the roof slam open. I can see the man and the woman both come out and frantically search around for something. The man turns his head to the left and looks right at me.

"Over there!" The man shouted and both he and the woman started to run.

I felt fear as they started to run towards me. I quickly took off up the fire escape. My heavy footsteps making a lot of noise. I felt the fire escape jerk as the man jumped on. Knowing that he was now on the fire escape made me run faster. There was another jerk as the woman jumped on.

I was close to the top and I could feel some relief. It would be easier to run across the roof rather than on stairs. But what if he could run faster than me and caught up? My feet finally landed on the solid roof before I took off sprinting. Garth and Lizzie were quite a bit further ahead. They were already half way across the roof, and this roof was long almost three buildings long. It must be another apartment complex.

I start panting hard as I was sprinting across. I wasn't the fittest person, but I was fast. I could still hear the man and the woman climbing up the fire escape. My bag was jingling around as I ran, and I was sure that it was slowing me down, but I couldn't afford to lose all the food I had in it.

My breathing was getting harder and faster, while I was getting slower. I had only made it a third of the way across when I could tell that the man and the woman were now on roof as well. I took a risk of looking behind me and I wish I hadn't

Both the man and the woman had scary looks of determination on their faces. And they were gaining on me fast. I willed my feet and legs to push harder and faster. I needed to make it. By the time I had reached half way across the building, their footsteps had become louder and I could tell they were getting closer and closer without having to look. I saw Garth and Lizzie jump over the gap to the next building. The next one was shorter than the one I was on, so when they jumped off, I couldn't see them.

Their footsteps were getting closer and I was getting slower. I felt tears start to leak from my eyes as I tried my hardest to run, but I knew that they were going to catch up to me before I reached the edge. I was pushing myself as hard as I could, but they were still gaining ground on me. I had to make it. If I didn't make it, I had to make sure Garth and Lizzie got my bag.

I was getting close to the edge of the building. I started to take off my pack just in case I had to throw it over to Garth and Lizzie, who I could now see were waiting on the roof of the next building. I could see their mouths moving, but I couldn't hear anything coming out of their mouths. The blood was rushing through my ears and all I could concentrate on was where me feet were going and what to do with my pack.

I was only six or seven steps away from the edge. I didn't bother taking my pack off the rest of the way because I knew I was going to make it over. My foot was about to land on the edge of the building, so I could leap across to the next. But I was suddenly yanked backwards from the edge by my bag.


A/N: WHOOP WHOOP, WE ALMOST AT 250 READS!!! AND WE HIT 40 VOTES!! WOO HOO!! Since I am going to be writing a second book, and there may be more coming after the second book who knows :), but I'm not sure if instead of a second book, it will become a Part Two of this book and I keep posting on here, or I make it a second book. I am leaning towards making it a Part Two, but I wanna hear what you guys think.

So! What do you think will happen to Spencer? Do you think that the man and the woman will kill him or will they become allies or do you think something else will happen?

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed (or if you didn't) please please vote and comment :D

Happy reading!


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