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Spirit's Point of View:

And so I grew from colt to stallion, As wild and reckless, As thunder over the land.

Racing with the eagle, Soaring with the wind.

Flying? There were times I believed I could.

I was the running as my friend the eagle was flying above me until, I came upon a small hill close to the herd.

Like my father before me I became leader of the Cimarron herd. And with that honor came responsibility.

I looked to my side to see a cougar slowly crawling to hide behind a bush. I looked to see the twins colts playing near by where the cougar is hiding.

I neighed as loud as I can warning the herd and ran towards them and the colts and when I did the cougar pounces out of the bush and runs towards the twins. As the twins were running back to the herd one of the twins falls and just when the cougar was about to catch him.

I jump in front of the colt defending him as he runs away and I'm fighting the cougar one on one.

I kicked a few times until, the cougar jumps on my back and I try to get him off back. I then go the the ground and roll on my back crushing him as he falls off and as I stand back up I stomp near the cougar scaring him. And chased it off as it runs back into the woods.

My mom and Lily approach me along with the herd and the colts. Lily jumps on my mother's back and we all ran with the herd.

I approached a small hill and watch my herd as the brave leader I am.

Night fall is already here and I go walking through the herd greeting the members as I pass. I see the twins are messing with each other roughly and that's when I approach them. I stop them from pulling at their ears and then they fall asleep as I walk off.

I greet my mom and sister nuzzling them both before going up a small hill and looking up smiling at the starry sky and see a shooting star passing by. When it passes something else catches my eye, a small light way out in the distance. I neighed for both my mother and sister to come and take a look at what I'm seeing. They both thought that it was strange and I was wanting to know what it was.

While I was walking forward, my mom pulled my mane and neighed wanting to stop me. But, I neighed back telling her not to worry. Then I was off.

White Lily's Point of View:

Me and mom watched as Spirit ran off towards where the small light was coming from.

"I hope nothing bad happens to him" mom said.

"I hope so too mom... I hope he comes back safely" I said.

I give her a hug as her head rest on my shoulder.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron(Little Creek Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now