A Way Out

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White Lily's Point of View:

It's already night time and it's a little rough when falling asleep when your tied up. Just when I was about to close my eyes, I hear a creature of the night and then I turn my head to hear Little Creek calling out to it.

Then out of no where we see a knife land in front of us. I don't know how or why it was tossed all the way over here and I don't care all I know is that when I looked at Little Creek he had an idea. That's when he stuck his foot out and started to reach for the knife.

Then the horn is blown to call everyone to a meeting. Little Creek quickly got the knife and started to stand a little putting the knife to his mouth and tossed it over his shoulder into his hands. He made sure that it wouldn't fall on me or cut. Then, he quickly sat back down as if he had done nothing.

"With the Colonel permission, Sir. Incoming patrol report hostiles headed North. The railroad has expressed concern, Sir. They requested additional patrols" the Sargent said before the Colonel interrupted "How long has it been, Sargent?".

"Sir?" he Sargent asked.

"The mustang. How long has it been tide?" the Colonel asked.

"Three days, Sir" the Sargent answered.

"Good. Fetch my crop and spurs" the Colonel said before taking one last smoke.

Part of me thought I had nothing to worry about Breaking my brother down. But, in the back of my mind I thought that this probably won't be good.

I watched as the Colonel probably has broken my brother and try to fight back the tears as they slowly rolled down my cheeks. I soon suck it up as the Colonel began to give a speech and just watch with disgusted and anger.

"You see gentlemen, any horse can be broken. Move along mustang. There are those in Washington who believe the West will never be settled. The northern pacific railroad will never breach Nebraska. A hostile Dakota will never submit to providence. And it is that manner of small thinking. That would say this horse could never be broken. Discipline, time, and patience. Are the three great levelers" the Colonel said.

Then I looked at my brother and wondered what he was thinking.

Spirit's Point of View:

I stomped my hooves.

Sometimes a horse's gotta do, what a horse's gotta do And this was one of those times.

I quickly grabbed the man's whipping crop in my mouth and started to buck him again not wanting up give up. I got the saddle off and the Colonel was still holding on as I flipped him over to where he was in front of my face. I flipped him back where he went flying as I too flipped myself back and breaking the fence in the process.

I looked to my sister to see that she along with the Indian are smiling and then I hear every horse around me neighing with joy.

I looked angry at the Colonel as he said "Soldier. Secure that horse".

As I was being hold as he pointed his weapon in my face.

Out of nowhere, the Indian along with my sister have gotten freed from the ropes. As the Indian got the weapon away from my face, my sister jumped on my back as the Indian he to knocked the other soldiers down while getting on me as well. I started to gallop around with them on my back trying to find a way out.

Little Creek's Point of View:

When me and Lily got free, I quickly saved her brother before we both jumped on his back. Holding on to him tightly as he galloped around the place looking for an exit. I quickly saw one of the men about to shoot at us, I quickly grabbed the man's weapon.

The mustang quickly ran into the stables and from afar I can see that it's locked. I pointed the gun at the lock busting the gate open as we and the other horses run out for freedom. We stop as someone is blocking the exit, it looks at the mustang in anger and then in fear. The mustang quickly kicks him down before we escape.

Just as we were about far enough, I called out to my horse.

Spirit's Point of View:

I wasn't sure what happened back there and I wasn't about to stop and ask.
All I knew is that we were heading home.

Then the strange Indian made a weird sound as if he was calling out to someone. But, I just ignored it cause all I wanted was to get home along with my sister. Then, all of a sudden I see the most beautiful horse I have ever seen.

She seemed to be getting closer to us. Soon, the Indian boy jumped off me and onto her. She came in front of me so, I could stop. Shocked as I was, I was captured again.

White Lily's Point of View:

When I saw the other horse I looked at my brother and thought that he had found love at first sight. That must have been Little Creek's horse since, he jumped off Spirit and onto her. They came in front of us to stop us, I looked on both my sides to see two more of his people riding horses of their own.
Putting more ropes around my brother's neck.

I looked at my brother and knew what he was thinking. One moment, he thought that we were finally free and then they're more ropes for him.

I just smiled and stroked his neck softly as we were to follow Little Creek and his friends.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron(Little Creek Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now