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"I thought that I was dreamingWhen you said you loved meIt started from nothingI had no chance to prepareI couldn't see you coming"—Frank Ocean

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"I thought that I was dreaming
When you said you loved me
It started from nothing
I had no chance to prepare
I couldn't see you coming"
—Frank Ocean

7 Y E A R S  A G O...

"Melissa! Stop tugging my ha—AH! Mom!"

Melissa immediately let's go of my hair. I reach around my shoulder and grab the strand. A thick knot tangles my young dirty blonde hair.

"Aw, why did you do this Mel?" I say, my lower lip trembling. I never let anyone touch my hair, so the fact that she did makes me upset already.

"I'm sorry Mere, I just wanted to try a new braid I learned!" She reply's. Sadness laced in her preadolescent voice. I sigh and roll my eyes. "It's okay, just no more touchy!"

We make up and hug each other. She's my twin! It's practically impossible to stay mad at her!

"Alright girls, were almost there." Dad says from the drivers seat. I watch in awe as my mom reaches over the center console and runs her fingers through my dads brown hair.

Both so happy and carefree.

"Ooh, ooh! Snow! Dad, can we go play in the snow?" I ask, my voice rising a few octaves.

"Honey, we cant stop on the road right here–"

"But dad! The snow won't be as fresh at the campsite," I pout. I hear him sigh loudly, he turns on his right signal and begins to turn the wheel. Melissa and I squeal in excitement.

But our excitement dies quickly.

A loud horn blares through the winter air. I turn and face the cars rear to see a large truck tracing towards us. His wheels; locked. He slides in our direction and rear ends our car so hard, we go skidding off the road side.

The whole way down the snowy mountain mom and dad are screaming for dear life, holding each other like a life line. Melissa's tiny hand intertwines in mine, we give each other a look of horror mixed with love.

I watch as one tear manages to leave her eyes, and suddenly everything goes black—

I flinch at the sound of glassware hitting a table. I look up to see Reid's hand setting down my mug of hot chocolate. His eyes go soft once he sees my expression.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asks as he rounds the counter. His thumb comes up and swipes away a lone tear from my cheek.

"I–I just—flashback," I stutter out. Reid doesn't seem to need further explanation. He just nods his head and takes my hand in his.

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