Meeting D'artagnan

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It was one of the coldest days that I had ever seen. The snow was falling on me and my father as we rode on his horse down a strip of dirt rode. After awhile I was helped off of our horse and we walked a short distance up the rode.

"Papa where are we going?" I asked as I clinched onto his jacket he gave me.

"Lupiac its in Gascony." He said softly.

"I want mom." I said as I started to shake.

"She is gone do you understand..... you and I will never see her again..... and I will never see you again.... I want you to go into the village make some friends.... tell them I have left you to become a Musketeer." My father said walking away.

"Papa I want to go with you!" I yelled going to run after him.

My father turned faster than I have ever saw and hit me on the face. I put my hand up and covered my eye and cheek as I felt a little bit of blood run down my cheek, where his ring had cut into it. He threw his ring at me and I caught it.

"I don't want you." He said walking away from me.

I walked into the village to see a boy playing, he looked to be fifteen years old or less. He stopped playing when he saw my cheek and eye.

"Are you alright?" He asked running over to me.

I shook my head no as tears ran down my face. He hugged me and told me it would be alright before taking me inside for some food.

"I'm D'artagnan and you are?" He asked with a smile as he handed me a thing of raw meat for my eye.

"Amelia my papa left me here so he could join the musketeers." I said sadly.

"You can stay here with us..... I've always wanted a sister." He said with a smile.

"I would like that D'artagnan..... can I call you D'art for short?" I asked hopefully.

"Only if I can call you Lil." He said with a smile.

I let a smile appear on my face as I hugged him. After awhile a man came to the house and D'art ran up to him and hugged him.

"Father I want you to meet Lil she is my new sister! Her father abandoned her." D'art said sadly.

"Hello Lil I am Alexandre d'Artagnan .... I'm his father..... would you like to live with us?" He asked with a smile.

"Very much so sir. I will do what ever you need me to do." I said with a big smile.

"All I need from you is to help with some of our crops and house work, kiddo anything else you can do when you want." He said smiling down at me.

I smiled as I hugged him and then ran to play with D'art before supper. At supper I was asked what had happen.

"My mommy was taken away by two men..... she was telling my papa she was innocent. After my mother was taken away my dad waited a couple of days before bringing me here and leaving me..... he didn't give me a reason only that he was joining the Musketeers..... I miss them both." I explained through tears.

"I promise you Lil we will never leave you alone. You will always have us." Alexandre said with a smile.

I smile as D'art hugs me and then after awhile we all go to sleep with me sharing a bed with him. I wake up that night screaming for my father and mother. It takes D'art a hour to calm me down and when he does he notices the scars on my body.

"What happen?" He asked sadly.

I said nothing only shook my head no and let tears stream down my face. D'art hugged me and I leaned against him.

"It will be okay sis I promise." He whispered softly as he went to sleep.

I sighed as I pulled a golden chain out from under my shirt. On the chain was a locket and the ring my father threw at me. I sighed as I tried to open the locket, but couldn't.

After five years had past I had already learned about horses and crops and everything that relates to farm life. I took care of the house and had D'art help fix supper. I became close enough to Alexandre that I took to calling him Dad. After awhile I took up sword fighting as a hobby and soon became as good as D'art. I kept a sword with me always in the case of a emergency where I had to fight someone to keep myself safe.

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