A new member

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Soon my water broke and I was home waiting for my doctor and extremely worried.

"What if I'm a horrible mother? What if the baby hates me? What if something happens?" I asked as I started pacing.

I had on a plain purple dress with blue trim on and no shoes. I was at my house with Constance and waiting for the doctor to arrive.

"Calm down. You will be fine and Treville will help you." She said softly.

"Where is he? He should be here!"

"He is on his way. Just calm down." She said softly.

I nodded my head and she forced me to sit down. A couple minutes later the doctor arrived and I started to have the baby. Soon the door opened and Treville rushed into the room.

"You're late!" I snapped angrily.

"Sorry. Took me awhile to get away from the King. Finally after telling him I was about to be a father he let me leave." He said as he took my hand.

"Alright I need you to push." The doctor said calmly.

I nodded my head and I pushed with all my might. A couple hours later I welcomed my child into the world.

"Congratulations you are the proud parents of a baby boy." The nurse said as she cleaned him off and handed him to me.

"Hello..... I'm your mommy." I said softly.

"What will you name him?" Constance asked softly.

"Alexandre Marsac Treville, but I'll call him Alex for short." I said softly.

Treville sent me a small smile and I rocked my child back and forth. Soon the doctor left us and I asked Constance to get the musketeers, except Porthos. When they arrived D'Artagnan sent me a smile and asked to hold my son.

"Hello handsome. I'm your uncle." He cooed.

"And I am your grandfather." Athos said softly.

"And I am Aramis, your new best friend. I can't wait to teach him to shoot." Aramis said happily.

"Not happening." Treville said calmly.

"Oh come on let me teach him."

"No, he isn't learning from you. He is learning from me or his mother." He snapped.

I laughed as D'Artagnan handed my son to me and I smiled down at him.

"He is going to be a strong lad." Athos said softly.

"Yea.... He will." I said softly.

Soon my son was four years old and spoiled rotten by his father.

"You spoil him to much Treville." I said softly.

"I could never spoil him to much." He said with a chuckle.

We watched Alex run around and play. Treville sent me a smile and I shook my head. Treville stood up and walked inside leaving me to watch Alex. I smiled as Alex ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey sweetheart. What are you up to?" I asked a She set on my lap.

"Mommy I have a question? Why are you and daddy not married?"

"Well.... that is a good question. Well you see..... I.... um.... well....."

"Don't you love each other?"

"Of course! I'll always love your daddy, but not all parents are married. Some of them actually never marry." I said softly.


"Well you will understand when you get older." I said softly.

Soon he ran inside and I smiled sadly as I followed behind him. I had ended up moving in with Treville so we could both be in our son's life. I had slowly started to forgive Porthos, but we didn't have a chance of being together again.

"So our son just asked me a question." I said softly.

"Was it the how are baby's born question?" He asked with a chuckle.

"No..... it was the why isn't mommy and daddy married question."

"Oh.... what did you say?"

"That some parents never marry. I didn't really know what to say." I said as I shook my head.

"What he say?"

"He asked me why..... and I didn't know how to answer it." I said softly.

"Well he is right. Why aren't we married? Don't tell me you haven't thought about it." He said softly.


"Don't Treville me. We have been living together for almost five years and we already have a son together. What more do you need to marry me?"

"I.... I don't know. What if we get married and.... you stop loving me? What if it doesn't work out?"

"Stop thinking of the what if's and think about the could's. It could be great. We could have more children. Stop thinking of the bad and think of the good.... and as for not loving you..... I could never not be in love with you." He said softly.

"Alright..... lets get married." I said softly.

He smiled happily as he picked me up and spun me around. Soon I was planning the wedding and getting the dress. When the day finally came, I was able to get Athos to walk me down the aisle. I had on a blue and purple dress with my hair up in a bun and blue heels on. I smiled as Alex walked with his Aunt down the aisle and I stopped in front of Treville.

"We are gathered here today to witnessing the bonding between two souls. If anyone here has reason for them to not be together speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

I saw Porthos move to stand up, but Aramis shook his head no and stopped him. When no one said anything I smiled softly at Treville.

"Alright now for your vows." The priest said softly.

"I, Jean-Armand du Peyrer Treville, promise to love and cherish you until death do us part. Since the moment we met I have been in love with you. You stole my heart with the way you fought bravely and you stood up for what you believed in."

"I, Amelia, promise to stand beside you, to love and cherish you through sickness and through health. I have loved you since you helped me.... and my brother. You went out of your way to help me a girl you barely knew..... you fight with such loyalty and bravery that I wish I had...... I could never imagine marrying anyone except you." I said softly.

He smiled at me and we waited for him to pronounce us husband and wife and then he pulled me against him and kissed me deeply.

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