Milady and Marsac

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"How? You told me your mother was dead?" Constance asked shocked.

"I want you to leave I need to talk to her alone..... I will tell you everything later." I said softly.

Constance left the room and I turned to face my mother.

"You have grown so much.... you have my hair.... but your father's piercing eyes." She said walking over to me.

"How you died...... you where hanged." I said sadly.

"I seduced the blacksmith into saving me.... your father couldn't even watch." She said in anger.

"Do you really think he would watch the woman he loved die?" I asked.

"No, you look so beautiful.... I'm surprised Athos doesn't know you're his daughter."

"So he is my father.... how do I open this locket?" I asked turning to face her.

"When you can remember you can open it." She said smiling at me.

"Why did you kill my uncle?" I asked softly.

"I'll tell you when you learn about your scars." She said kissing my cheek and walking out of the room.

After awhile I left to see that my brother and Athos had returned I felt sad as I watched the man who I now know is the man who abandoned me, walk beside my brother. D'art saw me and smiled as he hugged me. I hugged him back tightly before letting him go and smiling up at him.

"How was your trip?" I asked softly.

"It was well..... how are you?" D'art asked with a smile.

"I'm fine.. I missed you." I said with a smile.

"Missed you too." He said as he had to leave.

I went back home and started to clean up. That night I explained to Constance that she was not to say anything to my brother because my mother was up to something and I fear she wants to hurt my father. After a few days Aramis and D'art came to the house with a man named Marsac who flirted with me shamelessly.

"I have to go, I have lunch with Treville." I said annoyed.

"Your with that traitor?" Marsac asked shocked.

"Listen here if anyone is a traitor it is you! Don't you dare insult him in front of me!" I yelled slapping him.

Aramis pushed Marsac away from me and told him to stop before I left the house. I bumped into someone and looked up to see Athos.

"Hello Lil.... are you alright?" Athos asked looking at my hand.

"Yea I just hurt it by slapping Marsac.... if he insults Treville again I might not be so kind." I said walking away.

I made it to where Treville was to see him holding his head. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Are you alright love?" I asked rubbing his shoulders.

"I am now." He said turning around and pulling me onto his lap to kiss me.

I pulled back and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What's going on?" I asked softly.

"The twenty dead musketeers was because of me.... I was forced to tell the Duke of Savoy so he wouldn't find our spy...... I didn't know he was going to kill them all." He said sadly.

"Hey look at me... it isn't your fault. You did what the king ordered you to do." I said kissing him.

He kissed me back and then after awhile I left to help Constance. After awhile I went to see Treville. When I made it to where he was I saw Aramis holding a gun at Marsac who in turn had a gun pointed at him and Treville.

"Lil I want you to leave." Treville said softly.

"Oh no you tell her what you told us! I wanna see what she will say." Marsac said with a smirk.

"I done know.... we don't keep secrets from each other... he knows everything about me an I know everything about him." I said with a small smile.

"So you know he is a murder and a traitor yet you still stand beside him?" Marsac asked in disgust.

"Yes I do." I said smiling at Treville.

Marsac moved to shoot me but I dodged it and watched as Aramis grabbed him as he fell. Treville ran to me and checked me for injures.

"I'm alright love.... I'm safe." I said placing my hand on his face.

"Thank god." He said helping me stand.

"After this I have to tell you something." I whispered into his ear.

He shock his head in understanding and after awhile we helped Aramis bury Marsac. I left wth Treville to his office where I told him everything about my mother.

"I see we will have to keep a eye on her.... do me a favor don't tell Athos about him being your father yet.... he is under a lot of stress already." Treville said as he took my hands in his.

"I wasn't planning on it." I said pecking his lips.

Treville let out a sigh as he kissed me back and pulled me closer to him.

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