This is the end

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Soon enough I had another child, a daughter. We named her Melody and Alex has become over protective about her. He spends most of his time watching over her and making sure she is alright.

"Alex, she is fine. Stop worrying." I said as I walked up to him.

"But what if someone tries to hurt her?" He asked softly.

Alex is already seven and knows more about life than I do. His father has been trying to get me to let him teach him how to shoot a gun but I haven't let him.

"She is alright and no one is going to hurt her. Now go to bed." I said softly.

I kissed his forehead and smiled as he walked out of the room. Treville spent many nights at the castle because of his new job as the Minister for War. With the war going on, I spent little to no time with my husband.

"Treville where are you?" I asked in a whisper.

He was let coming home and I was worried to death. Soon it was nearly morning and he still hadn't came home.

"Mommy where is daddy?" Alex asked as he walked into my room.

"He had to stay over. Don't worry he will be home soon." I said softly.

He sent me a nod and I let out a sigh as I stood up and grabbed my cape. Being the wife of a minister wasn't as easy as most people thought. It was a constant worry and I always had to watch for people who would hurt my family.

"Alex I'll be back! I have to go into town!" I called to him.

I left and let out a groan as I made it to the Musketeers headquarters and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I walked inside and smiled as I saw Athos behind his desk.

"Hey." I said softly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"Treville hasn't came home yet and I'm curious if something is going on."

"The King is sick.... we think he might not live long and..... Treville is staying at the castle to watch over him." He explained.

"And he couldn't tell his wife or children? When you see him tell him he needs to let me know things so I won't worry." I said a so turned to walk away.

"Amelia.... wait up. I know it is hard...... and rust me I wish I could help you out.... but Treville knows what he is doing and he would never do anything to endanger his life and make him lose you. He loves you to much." He said softly.

"Athos..... I don't know if I can live without him...... I've spent so much time with him and.... and I love him so much........ I'm scared that I might lose him..... and I'm not ready." I said softly.

"It will be alright.... I promise." He said softly.

I returned home to see Treville sitting in a chair with our daughter.

"You're home." I said softly.

"Yes, sorry I was late. The king needed me. I missed you." He said as he stood up and kissed me.

"I missed you too. How is he?" I asked softly.

"Getting worse. I guess Athos told you."

I nodded my head and he let out a sigh. He walked into our daughters room and laid her down to sleep before taking me by the waist and leading me to our room.

"No one can know. He hasn't told many people besides me and the Musketeers.... the Queen doesn't even know yet." He said softly.

"Of course..... are you being safe?" I asked as I set beside him on the bed.

"Of course I am."

"I just worry about you..... Treville.... I don't know what I would do without you."

"And you will never have to know. I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much." He said as he pulled me down for a kiss.

I laughed as he rolled us over onto the bed and pinned me down.

"I love you." He whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you more." I said softly.

He smiled down at me as he leaned down and kissed me. Many nights I think about this night, it was the last night we slept in the same bed and the last night I kissed his lips or was held by him. The next day I waited like always and then when he didn't return I waited the day after and finally Athos showed up at my house with the others.

"I'm so glad to see you all. Is Treville coming home soon?" I asked softly.

"Amelia.... please sit down." D'Artagnan said softly.

I set down in my chair and looked at them confused.

"D'art what is going on? Athos..... where is my husband?" I asked softly.

Athos looked away from me and I looked at Aramis for answers.

"I'm so sorry Amelia..... the prince had been captured.... and he helped us get him to safety.... but.... he was injured." Aramis explained.

"Amelia..... Treville isn't coming home." Porthos said softly.

Tears streamed down my face as I covered my mouth. I tried to fight the sob that left my lips, but I couldn't. D'Artagnan wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as I cried into his shoulder.

"I am so sorry Amelia." Athos said softly.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him close to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him tightly as I cried for my husband.

"Mommy? What's wrong?" Alex asked as he walked into the room.

"Alex..... I'm so sorry..... but daddy isn't going to be coming home." I said softly.

As I saw the tears stream down my son's face I watched D'Artagnan pull him into a hug and pat his back. Soon the pain went away and nine months later I had another child. A baby boy who I named after his father. I wouldn't remarry, but I would have five grandchildren and then ten great grandchildren.

Athos and the other passed away five years before me, except for D'Artagnan who lived to be a hundred. I would pass away at the age of ninety-three asleep in my bed with my children surrounding my bed.

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