#14 Fight

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So most of you thought that the new guy is Hobi. Well read and you will find out if you were right.


Y/n Pov:

"Who was this guy?" He asked with a deep voice.
"What? Why are you-" He cut me of just before I could finish my sentence.
"Just answer me!" He screamed and hit the wall. I looked confused and little scared at him.

 I looked confused and little scared at him

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He never did something like this before. Just then a thought came to my mind.
"Taehyung are you jealous?" I asked and he slowly removed his hand from the wall. My eyes widened as I saw his fist bleeding.
"Look how stupid you are. You are bleeding." I held his hand but he pulled away.
"Whatever." He said and was about to walk away but I grabbed his arm not letting him leave.
"No ! I won't let you walk away just like this." I pulled him back but what he now did left me there speechless.
"Leave me already!" He yelled and pulled his arm away so hard that I fell back and landed on the ground.
"Ahh!" I rubbed the back of my head because I hit it against the wall. Always my head. Sooner or later I will seriously injure myself Taehyung looked down at me with a worried face now. Yeah fucking Taehyung first think before you act.

 Yeah fucking Taehyung first think before you act

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"Y/n?..." He asked and was about to bend down but I yelled.
"What the hell was this for?! Because you are jealous?! Why is that my fault?! That guy from before is new and he was just looking for someone he could talk to! I don't even know his name! Why are you jealous in the first place? You know that you are my only friend because everybody is afraid of me just like of you!" I yelled while trying to stand up.
"Y/n...I'm sorry." He tried to help me up but I was already standing.
"Don't say sorry. I know that I was acting weird and I wanted to talk with you about it because I really missed you but I guess I have nothing to say anymore." I said while walking away and leaving him there alone. Now you could feel bad my precious best friend.
The day past in silence for me.
"Maybe I was to harsh on him. Am I a bad friend?" This was the only thing that went through my mind for the whole day long after the incident with Taehyung .
"This day is just a mess. I don't even want to meet with Jimin anymore. I would just mess up his mood as well." I placed my head on my desk and just waited for the bell to ring. It was last period and of course math with Jimin. I haven't seen him the whole day and wondered what he was up to. The bell rang and I looked at the door which had to open any minute and my beautiful math teacher would step in but somehow today he took himself extra long time to get to our class. It has been already 15 minutes and Jimin was still not there. I looked over to Taehyung. His head was on the desk and I was like a 100% sure that he was sleeping. Now I really wanted to go over to him and scare him but I couldn't. I was mad at him. He needed to learn from his mistakes. Gosh this sounded just like my mom. More minutes passed and Jimin was still not there. I started to get worried because most of the time when a teacher doesn't come because they are sick or something like this they call the school and we get another teacher but there was no sign of another teacher.
"What is with him?" I questioned myself when I heard a guy talking.
"Jo is Mr. Beauty planing to come to class or not."
"Don't talk about him like this! He is the best teacher." A boy made fun of Jimin while a girl snapped at him.
"Yeah best to feel your mouth, right." He smirked and moved his hand before his mouth to imitate...you know what. That made everyone smile expect for the girls of course.
"Stop talking about Mr. Park like that." Another girl jumped up of her seat and yelled.
"And what will you do if I don't?" The boy smirked again but that didn't less long.
"Everybody SHUT UP!" I loud scream was suddenly heard from the 3. row. Taehyung yelled at them without lifting his head up from the desk and everybody went quiet. This jerk really is the king of this school. The class was really quiet for the rest of the lesson. Jimin skipped class and I had no idea where he was. The bell rang and everybody made their ways out of the classroom. I thought I was the last leaving but when I looked back, I saw Taehyung still laying with his head on the desk.

 I thought I was the last leaving but when I looked back, I saw Taehyung still laying with his head on the desk

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I wanted to leave but for some reason I turned around and walked back to him.
"Taehyung class is over." I said and looked down at him but he didn't moved a muscle.
"I know." Was all he said and continued laying on the desk. I turned around and walked away with a sad face.
"What is up with everyone today?" I asked myself. Suddenly someones screaming made me jump a little.
"Y/n!" I turned around and saw the one person I was looking for the whole day. Finally.


Hehe still no new boy so you can continue with trying to find out who he is.^^ Hope you like the story so far. There will be some smut so get ready😏. Don't forget to vote and comment.💝



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