#59 Cancelled

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Hey everyone! Please look forward to the next chapter because I will have something important to tell you. I can't wait myself!!

Y/n Pov:

What a stupid dream. As if Jungkook would have anything to do with Jimins sister. How could I even dream about something like this. It felt real though. Wait... It felt way to real. Did I really just dream it? I got out of my bed and went downstairs. There was mom in the kitchen making lunch.

 There was mom in the kitchen making lunch

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I walked up to her.
"Hey mom." I said and she turned around.
"Good morning sweetie. It's late, did you sleep till now?" She asked as she prepared some salad.
"Yeah. I totally forget the time yesterday. Tae took me home." I said as I scratched the back of my head.
"It must be fun with him if you forget the time like this." She answered as she raised an eyebrow. What was that.
"Oh...y-yeah. By the way where is Jungkook?" I asked while poring myself some water.
"Oh he took his friend home." Just as she spoke this out I chocked on the drink.
"He did what?" I asked again because I wasn't sure if I heard it right.
"His friend. They spent the night together. It's a nice girl." She added. My facial expressions turned completely blank. Am I still dreaming.
"M-mom is this girl Jungkooks girlfriend?" I stuttered.
"I don't think so. She is younger than Jungkook. You know he likes older women. They are just friends" She smiled and I just faked a laugh.
"Yeah sure." I said. Well mother maybe they are not together but they are for sure not just friends. I was confused and I couldn't hide it anymore so I went back upstairs and sat down on my bed.
"This can't be even more weird. What the hell is going on here. Jungkook with Jimins sister????" I laid down on my back and just stared at the wall.
"Did they already have something going on when Jungkook found out about Jimin and me?...Of course they did it was like 2-3 days ago he found out. But why on earth did he freak out that much if he is doing like almost the same thing only he is not her teacher." I was hella confused and didn't even know what to think or do. Should I even do anything.
"I feel like my life is a kdrama. Arg." I turned around and pressed my face into my pillow. Just then a thought came.
"Wait a minute." I sat up and placed my finger to my chin.
"Jungkook wasn't home for a long time and Jimin said she is going to college. How on earth is she now here and how did they become a thing when Jungkook is busy with work in seoul." As I was thinking my eyes widened.
"This can't be." I grabbed my laptop and went on the site of bighit.

I opened the trainees site and scrolled down to the girls

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I opened the trainees site and scrolled down to the girls.
"If I'm right then he is so cancelled." I was looking at all the girls and then bingo. I am genius.
"Park Jina. Born in Busan. Student at the Hanyang University Music. Trainee since 2018. Age...18?!?!" I didn't even believe my eyes. This is perfect.
"She started to train when she started college just a year ago. That means she has an affair with her boss and this boss is my brother. Oh Jungkook you are so in trouble." I smirked evilly and couldn't wait for him to get home.
"I am going to make such a drama. Just like he did. You messing with the wrong sis my brother. Well I am your only sister but still. You. Are. In. Trouble. Sweet revenge hehe." I threw my laptop on my bed and laid back down. My smile couldn't wash anyone down of my face.
"This is my chance to be together with Jimin. For real. Not just meeting once a week secretly." I was overloaded with happiness. I know I'm a witch for being that happy bu I am not happy that he did something like this. To be honest I wouldn't even care. Iam just happy because the could solve my problems with Jimin. How great. God anted me to find this out. I went to wash up and eat my lunch. Hopefully it won't take him long to get home.
Where the hell is this kid. I have been waiting for two hours. I thought he just took him home. Seriously I can't wait any longer. I have to tell someone. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Tae.

 I quickly grabbed my phone and called Tae

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He picked up really fast.
"Tae omg you won't believe what I will tell you." I started but he surprised me.
"I already know." He said. Now I was even more confused.
"What?" I asked.
"I already know what you want to tell me and I don't think this will end good." He said and now I really didn't understand a thing.
"What do you mean. And how did you find out?" I asked and waited for his answer.
"Well it wasn't that hard. I happen to drive down the street where Jimin lives and saw Jungkooks car there." He explained and my heart stopped.
"W-what did you just say?" I asked not really believing my ears.
"Yeah he was parking there. I already know." Tae continued.
"Jungkook is at Jimins place?" I asked still not believing.
"Yeah. Wasn't this what you wanted to tell me?" He asked now also a little confused. For a second I couldn't say a word.
"Y/n?" Taehyung asked. Now I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Taehyung you need to drive me to Jimin!" I yelled and just before I hung up I heard him say
"Alright I guess I said to much."...


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