March 12 | 18:02

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This time when Yoongi walks in, Jimin is playing, setting the scene of a heartfelt moment. Their eyes meet when Yoongi sits down, hands continuing to play, and they share smiles.

When Jimin is finished, bringing the room to a calm, soothing atmosphere, he asks what they're doing for the day.

"I don't know, didn't prepare today. What do you want to do?"

"In that case, I wanna learn this song I heard the other day..."

Yoongi's smile widens seeing Jimin's excited expression. "Oh? What's the name?"

Then, the silver-head glowers. "I don't know. I didn't get to check in time... But!" he suddenly said in an outburst, radiating happiness. "I do know how it goes. Well, a little bit of it. I'll play the part I remember."

An amused breath leaving Yoongi, he just nods. "Alright, then. Whatever you want."

And, so, for the next half an hour, the two are in their own space and bubble of warmth. It's like it always was, the same heartwarming atmosphere. The only difference is the confirmation in how the other feels, making them have a new emotion of reassurance exploding in their hearts – all full of love.

While Jimin is playing, Yoongi notices something and chuckles. "Your fingers reach farther, now!"

Abruptly pausing, Jimin lets out a small sound of surprise, looking away from the phone screen displaying the music sheet and down to his hands.

"Oh!" he said, sounding completely taken aback. "You're right!"

This makes both of them burst into a fit of laughter, gazes meeting affectionately. Gradually, their laughter dies down, leading to a full-on staring session, eyes shining and fond. They're awestruck, spellbound by each other's beauty.

Like a natural process, Yoongi's hand makes its way behind Jimin's head, gently pushing it towards his own, falling into a kiss. Both instantly melt into it, Jimin clutching onto Yoongi's shoulders for purchase.

After a few seconds, they break apart, lips in a joyous grin.

Suddenly, Jimin's eyes twinkle with an idea as he stands up. He steps between Yoongi and the piano with a mischievous smirk. He puts Yoongi's arms around his neck and slithers his own under the elder's legs, hoisting him up.

Startled, Yoongi yelps cutely, making Jimin let out a breath of laughter before he turns around, gently setting him down on the keys. There is dissonance of sound, but it's pretty in the way it accompanies the two in their room of affair.

Looking up into Yoongi's eyes, Jimin closes their distance, mumbling, "I've always wanted to do this to you," before pushing their lips together.

What started off soft and gentle soon turns breathless and ardent. They share a soul kiss, a dark flush up both their faces as they continue adoring each other with their lips.

As they're busy loving each other, fingers combing in hair and hands resting on hips, the piano continues to create music. Long slender fingers fall on the keys to hold up their balance, dancing around in a squirm, and a sound of discord resonates. But, it's still beautiful, as it's the music to their shared moment of soft intimacy.


Quietly, the door to the music room goes ajar, Jimin's mother peeking in with a tray of food in her hands. She's opening her mouth, about to announce her presence when she sees the sight.

Almost dropping the tray, a soft gasp leaves her lips, taking a step back, eyes widened. Then, her expression softens, an inaudible giggle escaping as her cheeks turn pink in delight.

Deciding she wouldn't want to disturb their time together, she just closes the door, turning away to set the tray on the table, thinking she'd just leave a note for them instead before heading off to work.

She heads up to her room with the widest grin, heart overflowing with happiness, planning to call her husband the moment she gets her hand on her phone.

After all, she can't wait to admit how she's never been more happy to lose a bet.

I had no idea until today that soul kiss is a synonym to French kiss lol

Symphony of Beauty | m.yg + p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now