Unwelcome Visitor

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima, Tiamat is loosely based on Tiamat from Forgotten Realms which Belongs to Wizards of the Coast, LLC. The traits of the chromatic dragons have been altered to match the dragon slayers in the Fairy Tail Universe.

Chapter 14: Unwelcome Visitor

When Tiamat entered the Fairy Tail Guild she was greeted by the sound of very loud music. She looked around her amused at the amount of alcohol that seemed to be flowing and the carefree sound of laughter that permeated the air. The guild was returning to a sense of normalcy after Team Natsu left for their mission. After a month of worry and heartache everyone was happy to let loose for awhile and celebrate Fairy Tail style. It was perhaps for this reason that they did not immediately notice the beautiful woman that walked in imperiously through their door.

She was of average height with long black hair and eyes. Her eyes quickly scanned the room looking for any sign of the dragon slayers. She quickly found them sitting near the back of the room Rogue and Laxus among them. She did not see Natsu anywhere. She didn't let that concern her, he was sure to be around somewhere.

She was a little put out that no one had noticed her yet but she used the time to identify the mages who might pose the biggest threat. She felt for high concentrations of magic energy and quickly determined that aside from the dragon slayers the only real threats were the short old man and the long white haired waitress.

She magnified her voice to get their attention "Members of Fairy Tail, I am Tiamat. I have come here to collect the magic from the ones they call Laxus and Rogue. If they give it to me willingly, I will leave peacefully. If they don't I will be happy to take it by force."

"That won't work here Tiamat. They already know you can't take their magic by force.", Connor, the leader of the Penta Dragons, smirked at her.

"You're still alive?", Tiamat looked at him with scorn."Well , you see Connor, that might have been true before but now that I have absorbed the essence of three of my elements I am finding I can do pretty much whatever I want."

Connor looked at her in horror as she called out her first spell "Scorching Ray" and seven rays of fire appeared from her hand and wrapped themselves around Connor's flailing body like a cocoon. The fire felt hotter than any they had ever felt from Natsu's spells. He started screaming in agony even as she spoke to him softly in a voice that tried to convey affection even though the glee in her eyes belied her words. "Thank you for summoning me back into this world, old friend."

Juvia tried to put out the fire with her "Water Lock" spell but the fire burned too hot and turned all of her water to steam. She desperately tried other spells as she attempted to save the man to no avail. "Juvia is sorry!" she sobbed but the old man had already disintegrated to a pile of ashes on the ground and the fire extinguished itself once it was done consuming his flesh.

"Don't cry water mage, I did him a favor. He's with his friends now."

The mages were all stunnned by the events that were unfolding, all thoughts of celebration replaced by horror at the remains of the Penta Dragons Master. Over the last three weeks the old man had spent in Fairy Tail they had grown to like him. He was soft spoken and kind and he had tried so hard to find a way to repair the damage that his misguided summoning had caused. He had hoped one day to apologize to Natsu for the role he'd had in his imprisonment. Justin looked in horror at the remains of his Master and did the only thing he could think of. He ran over to Laxus and Rogue and yelled, "Hurry, come with me."

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