Soul Shadow

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima, Tiamat is loosely based on Tiamat from Forgotten Realms which Belongs to Wizards of the Coast, LLC. The traits of the chromatic dragons have been altered to match the dragon slayers in the Fairy Tail Universe. Drakan belongs to Surreal Software.

Chapter 19: Soul Shadow

It had been several hours since they had left their dimension to protect themselves from the explosions that were racking his father's body and Kai was bored out of his mind. He had gotten used to doing a lot of training with Igneel and being still just did not suit him. Igneel had been quiet since then as well adding to his mounting boredom. He tried to think of something to do when he suddenly remembered those weird red memory threads that he had encountered when he had been trying to find out information about his mother. He smiled to himself and determined to go explore them.

He closed his eyes and tried calling out to his father again.

"Father? Father, can you hear me?"

He figured it couldn't hurt, maybe one of these days he'd get a reply. Not today, though. The usual silence was all he got as a response. He focused on his father's mind again until he could start to see those whitish tendrils. He moved through them, carefully trying to find the area he was looking for. After a short while he found it and he hesitated once again as the same sense of dread filled him as the previous time he had been there. Still, he was not about to back down this time so he fortified himself and followed the one nearest him.

A small pink haired boy was gazing up adoringly at an older raven haired boy. The raven haired boy was quickly identified as 'Zewef' by the younger child. They were headed outside to play when the pink haired boy began to run off towards the woods that stretched out behind their house. Zewef quickly stopped him and shook him gently.

"Natsu, you are never to go in the woods alone. It is dangerous, you can get lost and there are dragons.", he looked at the little boy firmly, "Promise me."

"I'm not afraid of any ole dragon.", Natsu pouted.

"Well you should be, I don't want anything to happen to you. Promise me."

"Fine, but only if you take me with you sometime.", the little boy looked up with a hopeful expression. Zewef agreed and Natsu immediately started chasing after a rabbit that had come on their property. Zewef laughed and chased after them.

Kai watched the two of them for a while. It was clear that the two boys loved each other deeply. Zewef was always there to take care of Natsu, always dropping everything to cater to his every whim. Natsu seemed to be almost restless when his brother wasn't around getting into trouble constantly and upsetting his mother.

One day Natsu's father came home and he seemed worried. His mother tried to get her husband to tell her what was wrong and after giving a glance to Natsu who was playing with some toys they went outside to talk. Natsu heard them yelling at each other and got nervous. Zewef had gone into the woods earlier to collect some herbs for their mother and Natsu really wanted to see him. When their parents fought, Zewef would hold Natsu until it was over and this always made him feel better. He snuck quietly outside and went out in search of his brother. He walked deeper and deeper into the woods calling out his brother's name but receiving no answer. He became tired and sat down on a downed tree . He fell asleep soon after. When he awoke it was dark out and he couldn't see very well.

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