Double Trouble

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That next morning they were all strapping up to go into link. Jake had snuck the sign language book in his Avatar's chest pocket and got ready to link up. After they linked, they all met up with Trudy, a pilot for the mission, and flew up to the site where they were planning on starting. The land was beautiful; strange birds flew by the chopper as they chirped at us, but kept flying by us. (y/n) held her hand out and one of the birds flew into her hand, letting her pet it before it flew away. Jake laughed as she grinned back at him in pure joy; it was an amazing ride. Unfortunately it had to come to an end, and when they landed, Grace told Trudy to shut it down.

"...we're gonna stay for a little while." She says through the neck piece and Trudy shut the chopper down. (y/n) adjusted her bag and inhaled the fresh smell of nature with a smile.

"(y/n), your journal." Grace says pointing to the book she left on the seat. (y/n) bent over to retrieve it just as the boys turned and both stared down at her ass. It was a perfectly round behind that fit snug into the cargo shorts. When she stood up right, both men turned around clearing their throats. Grace of course saw all of this and rolled her eyes.

"Men..." she mumbled as she continued to walk.

As they walked through the jungle, (y/n) heard a hooting of some kind and looked up. There were monkey type creatures swinging from the branches of the jungle trees. (y/n) smiled at the little thing dangling in the tree reaching for a piece of apple colored peach shaped fruit as Jake showed, raising his gun, but Grace stopped him.

"Prolemurs, they're not aggressive." Grace says.

"Relax marine, your making me nervous." She says as they walk away.

(y/n) snapped a photo, writing the name of the animals on the back of the picture before slipping it into the pocket of her bag. (y/n) smiled and looked back up at us then stiffened. All of the lemurs were staring at her with a fierce intensity, none of us seeming to move. They all shared a chirp and a titter before one climbed down to her and hung on a low branch with one arm, directly in front of (y/n). Jake saw this and whipped around, but noticed (y/n) was smiling, so he kept his weapon down. The other two turned in awe at the sight of the prolemur handing the fruit to (y/n). She smiled and took it, inhaling the scent and nodded in thanks. The lemur tittered happily before climbing back up and they all moved on.

"Wow, I've never seen prolemurs give up their food like that before. You really must have a way with animals (y/n)." Grace says with a small smile.

'I have always loved animals and plants. They have always loved me.' She explained as she put the fruit in her bag for safe keeping.

"So your like Doctor Doolittle." Jake says with a smirk as he walked by with his gun and pack.

(y/n) rolled her eyes and smiled, following us all slowly as she loaded the camera with a storage card and began taking more photos of the scenery and animals that stopped to stare at her. It sent shivers down her spine as they stared at her, and it was as if the whispering from before grew louder with each step. When she stopped to listen, she closed her eyes and inhaled. Suddenly, her heart became in sync with the beating of the jungle, and she smiled lightly while she drifted.

"(y/n), don't fall behind." Jake called. She quickly blinked her eyes opened and saw us several feet away. She shook her head and followed, catching up with Jake and walking side by side with him.

"How will they know were here?" Norm asks.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now." Grace replied. (y/n) gulped and looked around, taking Jake's vest sleeve and he smirked at her. He nudged her to get her attention and she looked up at his smirking face.

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